Instruments—by Location­–Illinois


Addison, Illinois:  Saint Paul Lutheran Church, 1980 Berghaus—28/37


Andover, Illinois:  Swedish Lutheran Church, 1874 Johnson & Son (opus 429)—40/5


Antioch, Illinois:  Saint Ignatius Episcopal Church, c. 1905 Votteler-Hettche, moved to CTG Lopez residence, Rio de Janero, Brazil, replaced 1980 Collier-David & Associates, rebuild of organ earlier in South Bend, Indiana, Charles Hoke residence—19/9


Arlington Heights, Illinois:  Arlington Heights Evangelical Free Church, hybrid/Geneva, rebuilt 1982 Berghaus, burned 1982—28/38


Arlington Heights, Illinois:  Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, 1996 Gabriel Kney organ—57/5, 9S, 11; 58/22


Arlington Heights, Illinois:  Southminster Presbyterian Church, 1992 Buzard organ—57/5, 10S, 11; 58/22


Aurora, Illinois:  Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church, 1905 Hinners organ, sold 1975 to Skokie, Illinois, Trinity Lutheran Church, old church had 1911 Hinners, new church (built 1951) houses 1971 Roderer in church, chapel, has 1905 Hinners—19/22-25SI (both organs); 28/40 (Roderer)


Aurora, Illinois:  Emmanuel Lutheran Church, hybrid, rebuilt 1981 Berghaus—28/38


Aurora, Illinois:  First Church of Christ, Scientist, 1962 Schantz (opus 545)—96/6S


Aurora, Illinois:  Saint David Episcopal Church, 1963 relocation and rebuild by Notter-Menke of 1889 Henry Pilcher's Sons, built for Sycamore, Illinois, Waterman School—22/6-7SI


Aurora, Illinois:  Trinity Episcopal Church, 1871 Davie, Jackson & Co.—29/17S


Austin, Illinois:  Austin Methodist Episcopal Church, see Chicago, Illinois, Austin Methodist Episcopal Church


Barrington, Illinois:  Barrington United Methodist Church, 1960's unknown, rebuilt 1997 Fabry (including pipework from 1960 M. P. Möller (opus 9446), built for Barrington, Illinois, Henry Beard residence), burned 1998—62/12-13S


Barrington, Illinois:  Henry Beard residence, 1960 M. P. Möller (opus 9446), rebuilt 1997 Fabry with 1960's unknown in Barrington, Illinois, Barrington United Methodist Church, burned 1998—62/12-13S


Barrington, Illinois:  Saint Michael Episcopal Church, 1970 Bosch (opus 578), revoiced 1973 Roderer—18/18-19SI


Barrington Hills, Illinois:  Plum Tree Farm, Jaspar Sanfilippo estate—73/12I; 75/8; 76/20-22 (Convention)


Beecher, Illinois:  Zion Lutheran Church, 1973 Berghaus—28/36


Bellwood, Illinois:  Berghaus Organ Company, 1979 Berghaus—28/37


Belvidere, Illinois:  Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, from Swift mansion, Chicago, Illinois, c. 1918 Æolian (opus 1406)—58/12


Bement, Illinois:  First Presbyterian Church, 1920 Votteler-Holtkamp-Sparling—7/4, 9S


Bloomington, Illinois:  Saint Matthew Episcopal Church, 1865 Garret House, replaced 1900 August Prante’s Sons, electrified by Holloway, rebuilt Reverend James M. McEvers—76/10-11


Bloomington, Illinois:  Second Presbyterian Church, 1865 Garret House, replaced 1921 Estey (opus 1824), replaced 1956 Æolian-Skinner (opus 1325), 1982 additions M. P. Möller, 1986 M. P. Möller console—76/10-11


Brimfield, Illinois:  Jubilee College, 1848 Erben—32/13; 48/3; 49/4S, 52/5


Brookfield, Illinois:  Saint Paul Lutheran Church, Wicks, rebuilt 1982 Berghaus—28/38


Buffalo Grove, Illinois:  Hope Lutheran Church, 1963 Holtkamp/Metzler (Holtkamp job number 1783), built for Northfield, Illinois, Ascension Lutheran Church—18/4-7SI


Buffalo Grove, Illinois:  Saint Mary Catholic Church, 1904 Wisconsin Pipe Organ Factory organ (opus 34), restored 1980 James Gruber—18/3 (cover)SI; 24/11; 28/6, 17; 29/33, 35; 57/5, 8S, 11; 58/22; 73/12I; 75/7-8; 76/18-19 (Convention); 77/3; 82/6, 25I


Calumet City, Illinois:  Saint John Lutheran Church, 1906 Kilgen—17/34-35SI


Carpentersville, Illinois:  Zion Evangelical Church, later Zion Evangelical and Reformed Church, later Zion United Church of Christ—see Zion United Church of Christ


Carpentersville, Illinois:  Zion Evangelical and Reformed Church, founded as Zion Evangelical Church, later Zion United Church of Christ—see Zion United Church of Christ


Carpentersville, Illinois:  Zion United Church of Christ, founded as Zion Evangelical Church, later Zion Evangelical and Reformed Church, 1911 Hinners (opus 1216)—41/26-27SI; 73/3, 5-7SI; 74/20; 75/7-8; 76/19-20 (Convention)


Chenoa, Illinois:  Saint Joseph Catholic Church, c. 1893 Carl Barckhoff—7/2, 5SI


Cicero, Illinois:  Mary, Queen of Heaven Catholic Church, 1929 relocation of 1910 Casavant (opus 427), built for Chicago, Illinois, Visitation Catholic Church (replaced at Visitation 1929 Austin (opus 1670), parish combined with Saint Basil Catholic Church, c. 1990, to form Saint Basil-Visitation Catholic Church, see also Saint Basil Catholic Church, 1913 M. P. Möller (opus 1496), 1926 Reuter (opus 185), removed c. 1990, Saint Basil demolished 1998), rebuilt 1954 Casavant (opus 2281), altered 1970’s D. S. Wentz, restoration ongoing 1990’s Michael Perrault—63/4-5S (Reuter); 66/11-15SI (Austin/Casavant); 67/8, 18 (Visitation)


Cicero, Illinois:  Saint Frances of Rome Catholic Church, unknown, rebuilt 1977 Berghaus—28/37


Clinton, Illinois:  Family of God Church (built as Saint Paul Universalist Church), c. 1900 Barckhoff, rebuilt Degner—7/3-4, 6SI


Clinton, Illinois:  Saint Paul Universalist Church, later Family of God Church, c. 1900 Barckhoff, rebuilt Degner—7/3-4, 6SI


Crescent City, Illinois:  Saint Peter Lutheran Church, 1901 Hinners, rebuilt 1970 Roderer—28/40


Crystal Lake, Illinois:  Michael and Susan Friesen residence, 1984 Roderer, built for Hoffman Estates—28/41


Darien, Illinois:  Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church, 1934 Wicks (opus 1235), later in Saint Wenceslaus Catholic Church, rebuilt 1991 Wicks—52/6, 17-18S (both organs), 21


De Kalb, Illinois:  Northern Illinois University, Music Building, 1970 Flentrop, 1974 Zimmer, Boutell Memorial Concert Hall, Martin Ott (1983)—46/2-3S (Ott)


Decatur, Illinois:  First United Methodist Church, 1973 Noack—7/4, 7SI


Decatur, Illinois:  Saint John Episcopal Church, Jardine, replaced 1884 Pilcher, replaced 1892 Hilbourne L. Roosevelt (opus 146, built 1884 for Chicago, Illinois, Saint Clement Episcopal Church), rebuilt Reuter—32/4


Deerfield, Illinois:  Trinity International University, Arnold T. Olson Chapel, 1980 Casavant (opus 3464)—89/10, 21-22SI


Des Plaines, Illinois:  Oehler Funeral Home, Geneva—82/5SI; 83/3


Dixon, Illinois:  W. W. DeWolf Residence, 1866 Pilcher Bros. (opus 71)—38/12S


Dixon, Illinois:  Saint Luke Episcopal Church, Howell (opus 9)—12/11-12S


Downers Grove, Illinois:  First Christian Church, 1977 Berghaus—28/36


Downers Grove, Illinois:  First United Methodist Church, 1974 Lawrence Phelps and Associates—63/2


Downers Grove, Illinois:  Janet Hutchins residence, 1981 Berghaus—28/37


Downers Grove, Illinois:  Immanuel Lutheran Church, 1964 Reuter (opus 1461), rebuilt 1982 Berghaus—28/38


Elgin, Illinois:  Church of the Brethren, General Board Offices, 1698 Joseph Christoph Harttman, restored 1975 John Brombaugh—9/4-5, 7I; 11/9 (insert)SI; 24/11; 28/6, 18; 29/33; 89/8-9SP


Elgin, Illinois:  First Congregational Church, 1893 Farrand & Votey (opus 71), rebuilt hybrid, rebuilt 1970 Berghaus—28/37


Elgin, Illinois:  Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 1976 Berghaus—28/36


Elk Grove Village, Illinois:  Earl Miller residence, later in Andover, Massachusetts, 1971 Berghaus—28/36


Elkhart, Illinois:  Elkhart Christian Church, Pilcher, earlier in Elkhart, Illinois, Oglehurst Estate—32/3-5SI


Elkhart, Illinois:  Oglehurst Estate, Pilcher, moved 1985 to Elkhart, Illinois, Elkhart Christian Church—32/3-5SI


Elkhart, Illinois:  Saint John the Baptist Episcopal Chapel, 1891 Hook & Hastings (opus 1481)—32/3


Elmhurst, Illinois:  William Beecher residence, 1850’s George Jardine, relocated 2002 to Gary, Indiana, Stephen Schnurr residence—79/3-4S


Elmhurst, Illinois:  Saint Peter Evangelical and Reformed Church, now Saint Peter United Church of Christ, 1898 Hinners & Albertsen, later M. P. Möller, rebuilt 1979 Berghaus—28/37 (Möller)


Evanston, Illinois:  William H. Barnes residence, hybrid, later in Chicago, Illinois, Saint John Fisher Catholic Church—17/38; 28/9


Evanston, Illinois:  Covenant United Methodist Church (merged with Hemenway United Methodist Church—see also Hemenway United Methodist Church), 1923 Hall, replaced 1969 Schlicker Organ Co.—96/7-9SI (Schlicker)


Evanston, Illinois:  Michael David residence, 1994 Bradford (opus 10)—72/10S


Evanston, Illinois:  Emmanuel United Methodist Church, 1892 Frank Roosevelt (opus 532), rebuilt 1960’s Emanuel Semerad—96/14-16SI; 97/6


Evanston, Illinois:  Dr. Richard Enright residence, 1971 Roderer—28/40


Evanston, Illinois:  First Baptist Church, now known as Lake Street Church, 1887 Steere & Turner (opus 247), replaced 1928 W. W. Kimball, altered, restorative repairs Bradford (c. 2007)—96/9-14SI; 97/6


Evanston, Illinois:  First Church of Christ, Scientist, Peloubet, rebuilt or replaced 1902 Lyon & Healy (opus 105, factory number 1357), later in storage with Organ Clearing House, also 1914 Skinner (opus 208), additions possibly by La Marche, building sold 2001 to Music Institute of Chicago, restored 2007 Jeff Weiler, also W. W. Kimball —65/15, 22-26, 28SI (Lyon & Healy, Skinner); 67/16 (Skinner); 83/4-7SPI; 84/4-5I; 88/10-11I; 92/6I (Skinner); 94/20SI (Kimball)


Evanston, Illinois:  First Congregational Church, 1873 Steere & Turner (opus 33), burned, replaced 1886 Hilborne Roosevelt (opus 299), fire-damaged, repaired by James Topp (relocated to Evanston, Illinois, Garrett Theological Seminary, Chapel, rebuilt 1952 Reuter (opus 1020), installed by Frank C. Wichlac & Son, replaced 1993 Casavant), replaced 1927 Skinner (opus 616)—69/7, 13-22SPI (Roosevelt/Reuter/Skinner); 70/43 (Skinner); 71/22 (Skinner); 75/12 (Skinner)


Evanston, Illinois:  Garrett Theological Seminary, Chapel, 1952 Reuter (opus 1020, rebuild of 1886 Roosevelt (opus 299), built for Evanston, Illinois, First Congregational Church, fire-damaged, repaired by James Topp, replaced 1873 Steere & Turner (opus 33, burned), replaced 1927 Skinner (opus 616)), replaced 1993 Casavant—69/7, 13-22SPI (Roosevelt/Reuter/Skinner); 71/22 (Skinner)


Evanston, Illinois:  Hemenway United Methodist Church (merger of Hemenway and Covenant United Methodist Churches—see also Covenant United Methodist Church), 1899 Lancashire-Marshall (opus 127), replaced 1922 M. P. Möller (opus 3519), burned 1932, replaced 1941 Austin Organs, Inc. (opus 2054), merged with Covenant’s 1969 Schlicker Organ Co. organ by Bradford (2005)—96/7-9SI (Austin/Schlicker); 97/6


Evanston, Illinois:  Immanuel Lutheran Church, 1981 Roderer—28/41


Evanston, Illinois:  Lake Street Church, founded as First Baptist Church—see First Baptist Church


Evanston, Illinois:  Music Institute of Chicago—see First Church of Christ, Scientist


Evanston, Illinois:  Northwestern University, 1894 W. W. Kimball—30/10


Evanston, Illinois:  Northwestern University, Fisk Hall, 1909 Casavant (opus 354), later in Lutkin Hall, rebuilt 1941 Casavant (opus 1681)—19/6-9SI; 96/16-18SI (opus 1681); 97/6


Evanston, Illinois:  Northwestern University, Alice Millar Chapel, 1963 Æolian-Skinner (opus 1413)—19/9


Evanston, Illinois:  Northwestern University, 1968 Roderer—28/40-41


Evanston, Illinois:  Northwestern University, Vail Chapel, 1969 Roderer rebuild of 1860 E. & G. G. Hook (opus 265, built for Thomaston, Maine, Congregational Church)—28/40


Evanston, Illinois:  Northwestern University, 1970 Roderer—28/40


Evanston, Illinois:  Northwestern University, 1976 Roderer—28/41


Evanston, Illinois:  Karel Paukert residence 1971 Roderer, now in Cleveland, Ohio—28/40-41


Evanston, Illinois:  Wolfgang Rübsam residence, 1974 Rudolf Janke, later in Valparaiso, Indiana, Rübsam residence—25/32-33SI; 68/32-33S


Evanston, Illinois:  Saint Andrew Episcopal Church, 1905 Lyon & Healy (opus 174, factory number 1428), built for Chicago, Illinois, Saint Simon (Episcopal) Mission, 2001 restorative repairs Bradford Organ Company and Chicago-Midwest Chapter Organ Historical Society—19/4-5SI; 65/15, 26-28SI; 67/16; 72/4I; 73/10-11I; 75/12; 77/3


Evanston, Illinois:  Saint Luke Episcopal Church, unknown, replaced 1894 Hook & Hastings (opus 1605), replaced 1906 Colburn & Taylor, replaced 1922 Skinner (opus 327), altered 1959 Æolian-Skinner (opus 327-A), chapel organ 1910 Casavant (opus 386), replaced 1959 M. P. Möller (opus 9244), later alterations by Tellers, later alterations by Kurt Roderer, also work by Frank J. Sauter & Sons, Inc., chapel organ sold 1986 to Rosemont, Illinois, Our Lady of Hope Catholic Church, restorations 1990’s Thompson-Allen, also c. 1986 Karl Wilhelm positiv—15/26-32 SI (insert) (Skinner/ Casavant/Möller); 28/9 (Skinner); 65/6-12, 14SI (Skinner/Casavant/Möller); 75/12 (Skinner)


Evanston, Illinois:  Saint Matthew Episcopal Church, unknown, replaced 1977 Casavant Frères, Limitée (opus 3354), Saint Mary Chapel, 1989 Bradford Organ Company—96/18-20SI (both organs); 97/6


Evanston, Illinois:  Seabury-Western Seminary, Chapel of Saint John the Divine, 1933 M. P. Möller (opus 6143), built for Chicago, Illinois, World’s Fair, House of Religion, altered 1970’s, replaced 1998, Casavant (opus 3245), built for Rockford, Illinois, Our Savior Lutheran Church (1975), moved by Kurt Roderer—24/22-28, 34-37 SI (Möller); 28/9 (Möller)


Forest Park, Illinois:  Saint John Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1914 Austin (opus 471), 1939 proposed rebuild by M. P. Möller, sold to Chicago, Illinois, Saint Timothy Episcopal Church (now Mount Vernon Baptist Church, organ gone), 1950’s proposals from Schantz, Austin, M. P. Möller, replaced 1954 Æolian-Skinner (opus 1235), additions by Berghaus—9/9, 11-14SI (Æolian-Skinner/Berghaus); 28/37 (Æolian-Skinner/Berghaus); 61/7, 15-21S(all organs)P(Æolian-Skinner); 62/30; 76/37 (Convention)


Forest Park, Illinois:  Saint Peter Lutheran Church, c. 1915/1920 Felgemaker (opus 1200)—13/7, 17SI


Forreston, Illinois:  Forreston Reformed Church, 1919 Hinners—12/12


Franklin Park, Illinois:  Mount Calvary Lutheran Church, 1979 Berghaus—28/37


Franklin Park, Illinois:  Resurrection Lutheran Church, 1964 Wicks, rebuilt 1983 Berghaus—28/38


Freeport, Illinois:  Saint Mary Catholic Church, 1864 Pilcher Bros. (opus 59), moved (1931) to Huntley, Illinois, Saint Mary Catholic Church, church now closed—5/1-3, 6-7SI; 11/9S (insert); 14/4; 24/11; 28/6, 18; 29/33, 34-35


Galena, Illinois:  First United Methodist Church, 1885 Moline—40/21


Galena, Illinois:  Grace Episcopal Church, 1838 Henry Erben—38/21; 40/21


Glen Ellyn, Illinois:  Faith Lutheran Church, Noack (1974)—12/2-3SI; 16/20; 19/25


Glencoe, Illinois:  North Shore Congregation Israel, 1963 Casavant (opus 2768)—63/2


Glencoe, Illinois:  Trinity Lutheran Church, 1909 Marshall-Bennett, built for Chicago, Illinois, Buena Memorial Presbyterian Church, replaced 1923 Hall, moved to Glencoe—95/10-12S


Glenview, Illinois:  Immanuel Lutheran Church, 1909 Hinners, replaced 1957 Schlicker, rebuilt 1979 Berghaus, Hinners sold to Northbrook, Illinois, Saint Giles Episcopal Church, replaced 1993 Helmuth Wolff (opus 37), Hinners sold to Okemos, Michigan, William J. Schneider—18/16-17SI (Hinners); 28/37


Grand Detour, Illinois:  Vincent Gilbert residence, 1902 Lyon & Healy (opus 124, factory number 1377), built for Ackley, Iowa, First Presbyterian Church—12/15


Highland, Illinois:  Saint Paul Catholic Church, Wicks—53/9


Highland Park, Illinois:  Arlene Milani residence, 1973 Roderer—28/40


Hinsdale, Illinois:  Redeemer Lutheran Church, hybrid organ, rebuilt 1984 Berghaus—28/37


Hoffman Estates, Illinois:  Michael and Susan Friesen residence, 1984 Roderer, moved to Crystal Lake, Illinois—28/41


Huntley, Illinois:  Saint Mary Catholic Church, 1864 Pilcher Bros. (opus 59), church now closed, built for Freeport, Illinois, Saint Mary Catholic Church—5/1-3, 6-7SI; 11/9S (insert); 14/4; 24/11; 28/6, 18; 29/33, 34-35


Hyde Park, Illinois:  First Baptist Church of Hyde Park, now in Chicago, Illinois, congregation later Hyde Park Baptist Church, later Hyde Park Union Church, c. 1890 unknown, replaced 1914 Skinner (opus 211), rebuilt 1956 M. P. Möller—70/5, 9-13SI (Skinner/Möller)


Hyde Park, Illinois:  First Presbyterian Church, now in Chicago, Illinois, congregation later Hyde Park Presbyterian Church, merged 1930 Hyde Park Congregational Church to form United Church of Hyde Park (W. W. Kimball), merged 1970 with Hyde Park Methodist Church (W. W. Kimball), 1870 Hall & Labagh, built 1852 for Newark, New Jersey, Third Presbyterian Church, then in Newark, New Jersey, Jewish Temple, replaced 1890 Hook & Hastings (opus 1442), sold to church in Tucson, Arizona, and relocated by La Marche, replaced 1923 Skinner (opus 443)—66/11, 24-32SI; 67/18 (Skinner)


Ivesdale, Illinois:  Saint Joseph Catholic Church, 1901 Lyon & Healy (opus 88, factory number 1340), altered Richard Schneider—7/8-9SI


Jacksonville, Illinois:  First Presbyterian Church, 1857 Pilcher (opus 24), built for Saint Louis, Missouri, Saint Louis Fair, sold to Saint Louis, Missouri, Calvary Free Episcopal Church, sold in June 1862 as Pilcher opus 48 to Jacksonville, later moved to Mason City, Illinois, First Methodist Church, moved 1903 to Minier, Illinois, Minier Methodist Church, later Liberty Baptist Church, moved 1983 to Lawrenceville, Virginia, Saint Andrew Episcopal Church, restored Brunner & Heller—14/3-5, 12SI; 32/6-8SI


Joliet, Illinois:  First Presbyterian Church, 1899 Hook & Hastings (opus 1861), sold 1923 to Maple Park, Illinois, Saint Mary Catholic Church, refurbished 1980’s George Buck—12/11S; 24/4, 14-15 (insert) SPI


Joliet, Illinois:  Saint Francis College, 1931 Schaefer (opus 144)—27/5


Joliet, Illinois:  Saint Francis Convent, 1931 Schaefer (opus 146)—27/5


Joliet, Illinois:  Saint Francis Convent Hall, 1941 Schaefer (opus 164)—27/5


Joliet, Illinois:  Saint John the Baptist Catholic Church, 1860 Wolfram (sold to Dyer, Indiana, Saint Joseph Catholic Church, burned 1902), replaced 1875-1876 Schlaudecker, replaced c. 1890 Louis Van Dinter, rebuilt 1932 Schaefer (opus 147)—27/3-12S(Schaefer)I; 33/6-7I (Schlaudecker); 34/9 (Van Dinter)


Joliet, Illinois:  Saint Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1884 Emil Witzmann, replaced 1920 Estey (opus 1784), rebuilt 1950’s Warren Gratian, 1981 replaced by electronic, oboe now in Maple Park, Illinois, Saint Mary Catholic Church, 1899 Hook & Hastings (opus 1861)—24/4, 14-15 (insert) SPI (Hook & Hastings); 33/17


Kenilworth, Illinois:  Holy Comforter Episcopal Church, 1906 Hook & Hastings (opus 2106), burned 1906, replaced 1907 Hook & Hastings (opus 2147), replaced 1928 with c. 1927 Welte (?), built for Wilmette, Illinois, Wilmette Village Theatre, replaced 1965 Æolian-Skinner (opus 1455), since altered—81/18-23SPI (Æolian-Skinner)


Kewanee, Illinois:  First Methodist Church, 1894 W. W. Kimball—30/13


Kickapoo, Illinois:  Saint Mary Catholic Church (also Saint Patrick Catholic Church in vicinity), Hinners—48/3; 49/4; 97/7-8SI


La Grange, Illinois:  Cossitt Avenue School, 1923 Skinner (opus 405), now in Whiting, Indiana, Sacred Heart Catholic Church (rebuilt, Bradford)—59/5-8S; 60/2


La Grange, Illinois, Emmanuel Episcopal Church, 1884 Johnson & Son (opus 627, moved 1908 to Oak Park, Illinois, Second Presbyterian Church by M. P. Möller (opus 950), replaced there by M. P. Möller opus 4345, building now Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception Traditional Catholic Church), replaced 1908 M. P. Möller opus 891, burned 1924, replaced 1926 W. W. Kimball, replaced 1970 Casavant opus 3062—85/3-7SI (all organs); 86/6


La Grange, Illinois:  First Baptist Church, 1978 Berghaus—28/37; 86/6


La Grange, Illinois:  First Congregational Church, Verney organ, 1937 Votteler-Holtkamp-Sparling (job number 1600, using portions of Verney), c. 1957 Reuter console, now in Chicago, Illinois, Immaculate Conception Catholic Church (1977), 1965 Reuter organ in chapel (opus 1477), 1978 van Daalen—51/3; 53/8-10S (Votteler-Holtkamp-Sparling); 53/11S (Reuter); 85/3, 11-14, 20SI (Reuter, Van Daalen); 86/6


La Grange, Illinois:  First Presbyterian Church, W. W. Kimball, replaced 1937 Estey (opus 2798, built as opus 2151 in 1924 for Chicago, Illinois, Lyon & Healy studio), replaced 1962 Æolian-Skinner opus 1390, retaining part of opus 2798 in the chancel), chancel organ since altered, 1981 Brunzema (opus 3)—85/3, 8-11SI (Æolian-Skinner, Brunzema); 86/6


La Grange, Illinois:  Saint John Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1940 Wicks (opus 2138), rebuilt 1968-1969 Wicks (opus 4862), rebuilt Berghaus 2002-2003—85/3, 14-17SI (Berghaus); 86/6


La Grange Park, Illinois:  Convent of the Sisters of Saint Joseph, Chapel of Our Lady of Bethlehem, 1929 M. P. Möller (opus 5555), replaced 1968 Noack (opus 42, since relocated to Harrodsburg, Kentucky, Saint Andrew Catholic Church) and 1969 Noack (opus 44)— 29/26-30SI; 36/14, insert; 85/3, 17-20SI (all organs); 86/6


La Grange Park, Illinois:  Saint Michael Lutheran Church, 1958 Schlicker, rebuilt 1977 Berghaus—28/37


Lake Bluff, Illinois:  Grace United Methodist Church, 1929 W. W. Kimball Co. (K. P. O. 7071), built for Lake Forest, Illinois, Holy Spirit Episcopal Church, relocated and altered 1980’s, Frank J. Sauter & Sons—88/10-13SI


Lake Forest, Illinois:  Lee and Dorothy Dollack residence, 1983 relocation and rebuild by Prairie (Bradford), of c. 1911 or 1925 (?) Kilgen (opus 3387) built for Lake Forest, Illinois, Saint Mary Catholic Church—28/38


Lake Forest, Illinois:  First Presbyterian Church, 1887 Hook & Hastings (opus 1335), rebuilt 1925 Wangerin-Weickhardt, replaced 1973 Casavant (opus 3160), chapel 1965 Schlicker—89/10, 14-18SI (Casavant, Schlicker)


Lake Forest, Illinois:  Holy Spirit Episcopal Church, 1929 W. W. Kimball Co. (K. P. O. 7071), relocated and rebuilt 1980’s by Frank J. Sauter & Sons for Lake Bluff, Illinois, Grace United Methodist Church—88/10-13SI


Lake Forest, Illinois:  Lake Forest College, Lily Reid Holt Memorial Chapel, 1900 Aeolian-Votey (opus 887)—89/10, 19-20SI


Lake Forest, Illinois:  Theodore G. Robinson residence, 1924 Skinner (opus 424), additions 1925 (Skinner), built for Chicago, Illinois, William Zeuch residence, rebuilt 1949, A. R. Temple & Associates, for Gary, Indiana, First Presbyterian Church (now First United Presbyterian Church), replaced 1941 Austin (opus 2043) burned in 1947, which replaced 1913 Hinners (opus 1662), replaced by Allen, broken up for parts, c. 1967—57/16 (Hinners); 59/11-16S (all organs)


Lake Forest, Illinois:  Saint Mary Catholic Church, c. 1911 or 1925 (?) Kilgen (opus 3387), relocated and rebuilt 1983 by Prairie (Bradford) to Lake Forest, Illinois, Lee and Dorothy Dollack residence—28/38


Lake Zurich, Illinois:  Saint Peter United Church of Christ, 1971 Temple Organ Company (Burlington, Iowa) rebuild of 1949 Austin (opus 2159), built for Chicago, Illinois, Holy Family Catholic Church, rebuild of 1922 Tellers-Kent, rebuild of 1892 Frank Roosevelt (opus 498), rebuild of 1870 Mitchell—13/6-8, 14-16, 18SPI (Mitchell/Roosevelt/Austin, Coburn & Taylor); 14/14 (Mitchell); 15/9 (Mitchell), 18-25, 38SP; 17/24 (Mitchell/Roosevelt); 18/6 (Mitchell); 22/12-19 (Mitchell); 25/21 (Mitchell); 26/19 (Mitchell); 35/4-6 (Pilcher, Mitchell); 14-15 (Mitchell); 40/8; 41/13-14 (Mitchell); 42/31, 43/30, 32 (Mitchell); 71/8-9I (Mitchell/Steinmeyer/Austin); 72/9


Lemont, Illinois:  Saint Matthew Lutheran Church, Wangerin, rebuilt 1979 Berghaus—28/37


Lincolnwood, Illinois:  Saint John Lutheran Church, 1962 M. P. Möller (opus 9656)—90/5-6SI


Long Grove, Illinois:  Long Grove Community Church, 1902 Kilgen organ, restored 1979 James Gruber—18/8-9SI; 57/5-6S, 11; 58/22


Lyons, Illinois:  Zion Lutheran Church, 1909 Coburn, rebuilt Doerr, rebuilt 1977 Berghaus—28/36


Maple Park, Illinois:  Saint Mary Catholic Church, 1899 Hook & Hastings (opus 1861), built for Joliet, Illinois, First Presbyterian Church, moved to Maple Park 1923, refurbished 1980’s George Buck—12/11S; 24/4, 14-15 (insert) SPI


Marshall, Illinois:  First United Methodist Church, 1909 Hinners, restored 1982 Holloway—19/10-13, 26 (insert) SPI


Mason City, Illinois:  First Methodist Church, 1857 Pilcher (opus 24), built for Saint Louis, Missouri, Saint Louis Fair, sold to Saint Louis, Missouri, Calvary Free Episcopal Church, sold in June 1862 as Pilcher opus 48 to Jacksonville, Illinois, First Presbyterian Church, later moved to Mason City, moved 1903 to Minier, Illinois, Minier Methodist Church, later Liberty Baptist Church, moved 1983 to Lawrenceville, Virginia, Saint Andrew Episcopal Church, restored Brunner & Heller—14/3-5, 12SI; 32/6-8SI


Matoon, Illinois:  Trinity Episcopal Church, 1917 Reuter-Schwarz (opus 2)—7/9-10S


Menominee, Illinois:  Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church, 1901 Lyon & Healy (opus 93, factory number 1345)—38/21; 40/21


Merna, Illinois:  Saint Patrick Catholic Church, 1905 Lyon & Healy (opus 192, factory number 1446), refurbished Jack Becker, destroyed 1982 by tornado—7/2-3S; 31/30


Minden, Illinois:  Saint John Lutheran Church, Wolfram & Haeckhel—34/17


Minier, Illinois:  Liberty Baptist Church (built as Minier Methodist Church), 1857 Pilcher (opus 24), built for Saint Louis, Missouri, Saint Louis Fair, sold to Saint Louis, Missouri, Calvary Free Episcopal Church, sold in June 1862 as Pilcher opus 48 to Jacksonville, Illinois, First Presbyterian Church, later moved to Mason City, Illinois, First Methodist Church, moved 1903 to Minier, Illinois, Minier Methodist Church, moved 1983 to Lawrenceville, Virginia, Saint Andrew Episcopal Church, restored Brunner & Heller—14/3-5, 12SI; 32/6-8SI


Minier, Illinois:  Minier Methodist Church, 1857 Pilcher (opus 24), built for Saint Louis, Missouri, Saint Louis Fair, sold to Saint Louis, Missouri, Calvary Free Episcopal Church, sold in June 1862 as Pilcher opus 48 to Jacksonville, Illinois, First Presbyterian Church, later moved to Mason City, Illinois, First Methodist Church, moved 1903 to Minier, later Liberty Baptist Church, moved 1983 to Lawrenceville, Virginia, Saint Andrew Episcopal Church, restored Brunner & Heller—14/3-5, 12SI; 32/6-8SI


Morris, Illinois:  Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, 1974 Roderer—28/40


Morton Grove, Illinois:  Community Presbyterian Church, 1975 Roderer—28/41


Mundelein, Illinois:  Saint Andrew Lutheran Church, c. 1905 Hinners, previously in Estelline, South Dakota, Trinity Lutheran Church, rebuilt David Hagberg and John Dower—43/33


Nauvoo, Illinois:  Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church, Schlaudecker—16/5; 33/6-7I


Norridge, Illinois:  Leon Berry residence, hybrid, later in Park Ridge, Illinois—9/3-4, 6-7I


Northbrook, Illinois:  Saint Giles Episcopal Church, 1909 Hinners, built for Glenview, Illinois, Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church (replaced at Glenview 1958 Schlicker, rebuilt 1979 Berghaus), replaced 1993 Helmuth Wolff (opus 37), Hinners sold to Okemos, Michigan, William J. Schneider—18/16-17SI (Hinners)


Northfield, Illinois:  Ascension Lutheran Church, 1963 Holtkamp/Metzler (Holtkamp job number 1783), also Wilhelm, Holtkamp/Metzler later at Buffalo Grove, Illinois, Hope Lutheran Church—9/10, 14-15SI (Wilhelm); 18/4-7SI


Northfield, Illinois:  Margaret Kemper residence, 1968 Roderer—28/40-41


Northlake, Illinois:  Saint John Baptist Vianney Catholic Church, 1966 Charles A. Wiener, replaced c. 1990 by 1908 Hann-Wangerin-Weickhard (opus 89?), built for Chicago, Illinois, Saint Boniface Catholic Church (replacing 1866 Pilcher Bros. & Chant (opus 70), built for Sycamore, Illinois, First Congregational Church (replaced 1867 Pilcher Bros. opus 79), moved to Saint Boniface, 1868, possibly rebuilt H. B. Harrison, also possible work by William Delle, church closed c. 1990), relocated by Berghaus—15/4, 6-7SI; 35/5; 39/12S (Pilcher opus 70); 64/9-12SI (both organs)


Oak Lawn, Illinois:  Pilgrim Faith United Church, 1980 Prairie (Bradford)—28/38


Oak Park, Illinois: Arts Center of Oak Park, built as the First Church of Christ, Scientist, 1916 W. W. Kimball, rebuilt 1961 Emanuel Semerad, additional alterations 1975-1977 William Hansen, 2000 tonal reversals by CMC-OHS Chapter—61/7, 11-14SP; 62/30; 66/10; 67/6, 11I, 17; 68/3, 38I; 71/6I; 72/4, 8I; 75/11; 76/37-38 (Convention)


Oak Park, Illinois:  Ascension Catholic Church, 1929 Kilgen (opus 4409), replaced 2005 Berghaus—88/9S (Berghaus)


Oak Park, Illinois:  Austin Boulevard Christian Church, 1923 Henry Pilcher’s Sons (opus 1157)—78/9, 11-12SI; 79/11SP, 18


Oak Park, Illinois:  Cornerstone United Methodist Church, built as Cuyler Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church, 1914 M. P. Möller (opus 1599), congregation merged with Washington Boulevard Methodist Episcopal Church, Trinity Methodist Church, Willard Memorial Methodist Church, to form Cornerstone—78/9, 12-14SI


Oak Park, Illinois:  Cuyler Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church, 1914 M. P. Möller (opus 1599), congregation merged with Washington Boulevard Methodist Episcopal Church, Trinity Methodist Church, Willard Memorial Methodist Church, to form Cornerstone United Methodist Church—78/9, 12-14SI; 79/18


Oak Park, Illinois:  Euclid Avenue United Methodist Church, W. W. Kimball, replaced 1922 M. P. Möller (opus 3224), replaced 1955 M. P. Möller (opus 8890)—81/5-7SI; 82/23


Oak Park, Illinois:  First Baptist Church, 1922 Skinner (opus 358), replaced 1967 Schantz (opus 716)—61/8


Oak Park, Illinois:  First Church of Christ, Scientist, 1916 W. W. Kimball, rebuilt 1961 Emanuel Semerad, additional alterations 1975-1977 William Hansen, building now The Arts Center of Oak Park, 2000 tonal reversals by CMC-OHS Chapter—61/7, 11-14SP; 62/30; 66/10; 67/6, 11I, 17; 68/3, 38I; 71/6I; 72/4, 8I; 75/11; 76/37-38 (Convention)


Oak Park, Illinois:  First Congregational Church, 1881 Johnson & Son (opus 559), rebuilt 1903 W. W. Kimball, replaced 1913 Casavant, burned 1916, replaced 1918 Skinner (opus 274), rebuilt 1972 Roderer, replaced 1983 Casavant (opus 3544), pipework rebuilt for Rockford, Illinois, Second Congregational Church, by Pipe Organ Specialties, building now First United Church—28/9 (Skinner): 61/8 (Skinner); 82/23I (Johnson & Son)


Oak Park, Illinois:  First United Church, built as First Congregational Church, 1881 Johnson & Son (opus 559), rebuilt 1903 W. W. Kimball, replaced 1913 Casavant, burned 1916, replaced 1918 Skinner (opus 274), rebuilt 1972 Roderer, replaced 1983 Casavant (opus 3544), pipework rebuilt for Rockford, Illinois, Second Congregational Church, by Pipe Organ Specialties—28/9 (Skinner); 61/8 (Skinner); 82/23I (Johnson & Son)


Oak Park, Illinois:  First United Methodist Church, 1890 Henry Pilcher’s Sons, replaced 1911 M. P. Möller (opus 1259), replaced 1925 Skinner (opus 528), rebuilt 1937 La Marche, 2005-2006 restoration Spencer Organ Company—61/7-11S(Skinner)P(Möller/Skinner); 62/30; 74/21 (Skinner); 86/22I; 88/11-12


Oak Park, Illinois:  Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church (congregation moved to River Forest—see also River Forest), building later Wesleyan Church, still later Living Sanctuary of Faith Church of God in Christ, 1903 Burlington—75/11; 76/36-37 (Convention); 77/3; 81/5, 10-12SI; 82/23


Oak Park, Illinois:  Judson Baptist Church, 1929 Estey (opus 2848), rebuilt 1966-1967 Æolian-Skinner (opus 1466), alterations by Gilbert Mead—78/9, 14-18SI (both organs); 79/18


Oak Park, Illinois:  Light of Liberty Church, built as Washington Boulevard Methodist Episcopal Church—see Washington Boulevard Methodist Episcopal Church


Oak Park, Illinois:  Living Sanctuary of Faith Church of God in Christ, built as Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church (congregation moved to River Forest), later Wesleyan Church—see Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church


Oak Park, Illinois:  Grace Episcopal Church, 1869 E & G. G. Hook (opus 472), built for Chicago, Illinois, Grace Episcopal Church (replaced 1856 Erben, replaced 1909 W. W. Kimball, burned replaced Estey), 1922 Casavant organ (opus 940), Hook moved to Oak Park, Illinois, Third Congregational Church, burned, Casavant rebuilt 1972 Berghaus, later alterations—14/14 (Hook); 25/21, 23 (Hook); 26/19 (Hook); 28/9 (Casavant), 37 (Casavant/Berghaus); 35/5 (Erben, Hook); 36/9 (Erben/Hook); 58/12; 59/3


Oak Park, Illinois:  Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception Traditional Catholic Church, built as Second Presbyterian Church—see Second Presbyterian Church


Oak Park, Illinois:  Saint Catherine of Sienna Catholic Church, merged with Chicago, Illinois, Saint Lucy Catholic Church to form Saint Catherine of Sienna-Saint Lucy Catholic Church, using Saint Catherine of Sienna Church, 1932 Casavant (opus 1467), renovated 1990’s Christian & Erickson—59/3-4SP; 60/19; 81/5, 9-10SI; 82/23


Oak Park, Illinois:  Saint Catherine of Sienna-Saint Lucy Catholic Church, merger of Saint Catherine of Sienna Catholic Church and Chicago, Illinois, Saint Lucy Catholic Church—see information under individual churches


Oak Park, Illinois:  Saint Christopher Episcopal Church, 1927 M. P. Möller (opus 4838), altered Christian  & Erickson—81/5, 8-9SI; 82/23


Oak Park, Illinois:  Saint Edmund Catholic Church, 1913 Casavant Frères (South Haven opus 9), rebuilt 1952 Casavant (opus 2111), alterations by unknown, 2000 renovation by Berghaus—61/7, 14-15S; 62/30; 67/6-7I; 68/3


Oak Park, Illinois:  Second Presbyterian Church, 1908 M. P. Möller (opus 950, actually 1884 Johnson & son opus 627, built for La Grange, Illinois, Emmanuel Episcopal Church, and taken in trade by Möller and resold to Second Church), replaced 1925 M. P. Möller opus 4345, building now Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception Traditional Catholic Church—85/4-5S (Möller opus 950/Johnson & son opus 627)


Oak Park, Illinois:  Telgdu United Methodist Church, building constructed as Willard Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church—see Willard Memorial Methodist Church


Oak Park, Illinois:  Third Congregational Church, 1869 E. & G. G. Hook (opus 472), built for Chicago, Illinois, Grace Episcopal Church (replaced 1856 Erben, replaced 1909 W. W. Kimball, burned, replaced Estey), moved to Oak Park, Illinois, Grace Episcopal Church (1909), replaced 1922 Casavant (opus 940), moved to Third Church, burned—14/14 (Hook); 25/21, 23 (Hook); 26/19 (Hook); 35/5 (Erben, Hook); 36/9 (Erben/Hook); 39/17-18S (Hook)


Oak Park, Illinois:  Trinity Evangelical United Brethren Church, later Trinity United Methodis Church, merged with Cuyler Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church, Washington Boulevard Methodist Episcopal Church, and Willard Memorial Methodist Church to form Cornerstone United Methodist Church—78/12-14


Oak Park, Illinois:  Trinity United Methodist Church, formed as Trinity Evangelical United Brethren Church, merged with Cuyler Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church, Washington Boulevard Methodist Episcopal Church, and Willard Memorial Methodist Church to form Cornerstone United Methodist Church—78/9, 12-14


Oak Park, Illinois:  Unity Temple Unitarian/Universalist Church—c. 1897 unknown, burned 1905, replaced 1906 W. W. Kimball, rebuilt 1909 Coburn & Taylor, replaced second-hand M. P. Möller, removed 1990’s—67/7-8I


Oak Park, Illinois:  Washington Boulevard Methodist Episcopal Church, building later Light of Libert Church, Washington Boulevard congregation merged with Cuyler Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church, Trinity Methodist Church, and Willard Memorial Methodist Church to form Cornerstone United Methodist Church, 1917 Hinners—78/12-14


Oak Park, Illinois:  Wesleyan Church, built as Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church (congregation moved to River Forest), still later Living Sanctuary of Faith Church of God in Christ—see Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church


Oak Park, Illinois:  Willard Memorial Methodist Church, 1930’s Temple, rebuilt 1980 Berghaus, merged with Cuyler Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church, Washington Boulevard Methodist Episcopal Church and Trinity Methodist Church to form Cornerstone United Methodist Church, Willard building became Telgdu United Methodist Church—28/38; 78/9, 12-14


O’Fallon, Illinois:  O’Fallon United Church of Christ, 1973 Berghaus—28/36


Oregon, Illinois:  Oregon United Methodist Church, 1968 Walcker—12/15S


Oregon, Illinois:  Saint Paul Lutheran Church, Howell (opus 27)—12/15


Orland Park, Illinois:  Christ Lutheran Church, 1974 Berghaus—28/36


Oswego, Illinois:  Saint Anne Catholic Church, 1986 Martin Ott, burned 2000—67/9-10SI


Palatine, Illinois:  Saint John United Church of Christ, Emil Witzmann (attributed, 1880’s)—7S (insert); 8/3-5I; 37/17; 57/5, 7S, 11; 58/22; 75/7-8; 76/17 (Convention); 77/3; 86/4-5; 88/7


Palos Park, Illinois:  Peace Memorial United Church of Christ, 1979 Berghaus—28/38


Palos Park, Illinois:  Transfiguration Episcopal Church, built for Chicago, Illinois, Fourth Presbyterian Church, 1969 Roderer, moved to Palos Park 1971—28/40


Paris, Illinois:  Grace Lutheran Church, 1978-1981 Phelps—20/22-23SI


Park Ridge, Illinois:  Leon Berry residence, hybrid, earlier in Norridge, Illinois—9/3-4, 6-7I


Park Ridge, Illinois:  Park Ridge Presbyterian Church, 1959 Austin (opus 2317), built for Gary (Glen Park), Indiana, Forty-Third Avenue Presbyterian Church—59/16-18S


Park Ridge, Illinois:  Saint Mary Episcopal Church, c. 1923 Wirsching, replaced electronic—17/6


Parkersburg, Illinois:  Methodist Church, Verny—38/21-22


Paxton, Illinois:  Federated Church, 1911 Hinners—40/20


Peoria, Illinois:  New Jerusalem Church, 1863 Pilcher, built for Chicago, Illinois, Oriental Lodge (replaced 1867 Johnson (opus 237), burned 1871, replaced 1872 Johnson (opus 386))—24/11 (1872 Johnson); 25/21 (1867 Johnson); 27/24-29SI (both Johnsons); 28/6, 23; 29/31-32S, 33-34 (insert, Johnson opus 386); 35/5 (Pilcher); 37/17-18; 38/19 (1867 Johnson); 42/31 (Johnson opus 237); 62/6 (1872 Johnson)


Peoria, Illinois: Saint Andrew the Apostle Episcopal-Anglican Church, 1897 Lancashire-Marshall (opus 104)—48/3; 49/4-6S


Peoria, Illinois:  Saint Joseph Catholic Church (now Saint Martin de Porres Catholic Church), 1896 Lancashire-Marshall (opus 100), rebuilt 1980 Steven Hedstrom—4/6-7S; 48/3; 49/3-4S


Peoria, Illinois:  Saint Martin de Porres Catholic Church (built as Saint Joseph Catholic Church), 1896 Lancashire-Marshall (opus 100), rebuilt 1980 Steven Hedstrom—4/6-7S; 48/3; 49/3-4S


River Forest, Illinois:  Concordia Teacher's College, Auditorium/Chapel, 1897 Farrand & Votey (opus 828), built for Chicago, Illinois, First Church of Christ, Scientist (1897 building now Grant Memorial AME Church, First Church combined 1950 with Ninth Church of Christ, Scientist, kept First Church name, congregation gone, Ninth Church building housed 1917 Austin (opus 681), with 1922 Austin additions), rebuilt 1916 Leonard D. Morris, replaced 1924 Skinner (opus 435), broken up for parts (replaced 1958 Schlicker, now in Music Building, new building has 1980's W. Zimmer & Sons, opus 258)—62/25-26S; 65/26 (Austin)


River Forest, Illinois:  First Presbyterian Church, 1928 Skinner Organ Company (opus 641), altered 1960’s and following, rebuilt Rogers—86/15-16S (Skinner)


River Forest, Illinois:  Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church (founded in Oak Park—see also Oak Park), 1931 Skinner (opus 833), rebuilt 1956 Schlicker, rebuilt 1987 Berghaus—81/13-16SI (all organs)


Rock Island, Illinois:  Augustana College, Ascension Chapel, Bedient—38/22; 40/21


Rockford, Illinois:  Our Savior Lutheran Church, 1975 Casavant (opus 3245), moved 1998 by Kurt Roderer to Evanston, Illinois, Seabury-Western Seminary, Chapel of Saint John the Divine, replaced 1933 M. P. Möller (opus 6143), built for Chicago, Illinois, World’s Fair, House of Religion, altered 1970’s—28/9 (Möller)


Rockford, Illinois:  Second Congregational Church, 1983 Pipe Organ Specialties relocation and rebuild of 1918 Skinner (opus 274), built for Oak Park, Illinois, First Congregational Church (now First United Church), rebuilt 1972 Roderer, replaced 1983 Casavant (opus 3544)—28/9 (Skinner); 61/8 (Skinner)


Rogers Park, Illinois (now in Chicago):  First Congregational Church, 1891 Hinners & Albertsen—49/8-9S


Roseland, Illinois:  annexed to Chicago—see Chicago, Illinois


Rosemont, Illinois: Our Lady of Hope Catholic Church, 1986 relocation of 1959 M. P. Möller (opus 9244), built for chapel of Evanston, Illinois, Saint Luke Episcopal Church (also, unknown, replaced 1894 Hook & Hastings (opus 1605), replaced 1906 Colburn & Taylor, replaced 1922 Skinner (opus 327), altered 1959 Æolian-Skinner (opus 327-A), chapel organ 1910 Casavant (opus 386), replaced later alterations by Tellers, later alterations by Kurt Roderer, also work by Frank J. Sauter & Sons, Inc., restorations 1990’s Thompson-Allen, also c. 1986 Karl Wilhelm positiv)—15/26-32 SI (insert) (Skinner/ Casavant/Möller); 28/9 (Skinner); 65/6-12, 14SI (Skinner/Casavant/Möller)


Saint Charles, Illinois:  First Congregational Church, Wangerin, rebuilt 1980 Berghaus—28/38


Schaumburg, Illinois:  Saint Peter Lutheran Church, 1950 Kilgen, rebuilt 1980 Gruber—8/3


Skokie, Illinois:  Saint Paul Lutheran Church, c. 1911 unknown, replaced 1927 Wangerin, altered 1960’s unknown, relocated to New Richmond, Wisconsin, Lutheran Church, replaced 1974 Lawrence Phelps and Associates—63/2; 69/7-10SI; 71/22 (Phelps); 75/12 (Phelps)


Skokie, Illinois (Evanston mailing address):  Trinity Lutheran Church, 1911 Hinners, new (built 1951) houses 1971 Roderer in church, chapel, 1905 Hinners (built for Aurora, Illinois, Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church, sold 1975 to Trinity)—12/2 (Roderer); 19/22-25SI (both organs); 28/40 (Roderer)


South Holland, Illinois:  Peace Christian Reformed Church, 1973 Becker—17/8-9SI


South Holland, Illinois:  Gerrit Verkade residence, 1978 Verkade—17/32-33SI


Springfield, Illinois:  Central Baptist Church, possible relocation of 1934 Kilgen (opus 5248), built for Chicago, Illinois, 1933-1934 World's Fair, Horticultural Hall—24/34


Springfield, Illinois:  Saint John Sanitarium, 1923 Wicks (opus 461), rebuilt 1941, relocated 1952 to Valparaiso, Indiana, Trinity Lutheran Church, rebuilt and relocated by Wicks 1968 to Lansdale, Minnesota, Peace Lutheran Church, replaced at Valparaiso 1979 Hendrickson (opus 48)—68/30-32SPI (Wicks/Hendrickson)


Springfield, Illinois: Saint Paul Episcopal Church (later Cathedral), c. 1843 Harrison A. Hough, replaced 1848 Schwab, replaced 1881 Johnson & Son (opus 554), replaced 1920 Austin (opus 930), replaced 1977 electronic—45/4; 47/2-3S (Schwab); 52/4-5


Springfield, Illinois:  Third Presbyterian Church, 1862 Pilcher (opus 46--original order for Goshen, Indiana, Saint James Church), moved to Chicago, Illinois, Zion Synagogue (1868), replaced c.1867 Pilcher Bros. (opus 78)—35/5; 39/9S


Streamwood, Illinois:  Immanuel Evangelical and Reformed Church, later Immanuel United Church of Christ—see Immanuel United Church of Christ


Streamwood, Illinois:  Immanuel United Church of Christ, earlier Immanuel Evangelical and Reformed Church, 1888 Emil Witzmann—7S (insert); 8/3-4, 8I; 24/11; 28/6, 19, 37; 29/33; 33/17; 73/3, 7-9SI; 74/20


Sycamore, Illinois:  First Congregational Church, 1866 Pilcher Bros. & Chant (opus 70), replaced 1867 Pilcher (opus 79), moved 1868 to Chicago, Illinois, Saint Boniface Catholic Church (replaced 1907 Hann-Wangerin-Weickhardt (opus 89?), possibly rebuilt H. B. Harrison, possible work by William Delle, church closed 1990, moved by Berghaus to Northlake, Illinois, Saint John Baptist Vianney Catholic Church, replacing 1966 Charles A. Wiener)—15/4, 6-7SI (Hann-Wangerin-Weickhardt); 39/12S (Pilcher opus 70); 64/9-12SI (Pilcher opus 70/Hann-Wangerin-Weickhardt)


Sycamore, Illinois:  Saint John Lutheran Church, 1938 M. P. Möller (opus 6655), rebuilt 1982 Berghaus—28/38


Sycamore, Illinois:  Waterman School, 1889 Henry Pilcher's Sons, relocated and rebuilt 1963 by Notter-Menke, to Aurora, Illinois, Saint David Episcopal Church—22/6-7SI


Techny, Illinois:  Divine Word International, Chapel of the Holy Spirit, 1911 Wicks (opus 38), incorporated into 1920’s Wiener Bros., also using pipework of 1902 Austin (opus 65, built for Chicago, Illinois, Bush Temple of Music, burned)—24/19-20 (insert) SI; 69/7, 22-28SI (Austin/Wicks/Wiener); 71/22I (Wiener)


Techny, Illinois:  Holy Spirit Convent, Holy Ghost Academy, Wiener Bros., replaced 1959 Wicks (opus 3945)—24/20 (insert)


Techny, Illinois:  Saint Anne’s Home, unknown, rebuilt Wiener Bros., rebuilt Wangerin, sold 1982—24/20 (insert)


Tuscola, Illinois:  First Methodist Church, 1895 W. W. Kimball—30/14


Waukegan, Illinois:  Holy Family Catholic Church, merger of Saint Bartholomew Catholic Church and Saint Joseph Catholic Church, using Saint Joseph Church—81/3


Waukegan, Illinois:  Saint Bartholomew Catholic Church, 1952 Austin (opus 2147), congregation merged with Saint Joseph Catholic Church to form Holy Family Catholic Church, using Saint Joseph Church—81/3


Waukegan, Illinois:  Saint Joseph Catholic Church, merged with Saint Bartholomew Catholic Church to form Holy Family Catholic Church, using Saint Joseph Church—81/3


Westchester, Illinois:  Faith Lutheran Church, 1978 Berghaus—28/37


Wheaton, Illinois:  Wheaton College, 1970 Roderer (2 organs)—28/40-41


Wilmette, Illinois:  Maria Immaculata Convent, 1920 Wangerin-Weickhardt—19/3-4 (cover) SI


Wilmette, Illinois:  Kurt Roderer residence, 1981 Roderer—28/41


Wilmette, Illinois:  Saint John Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1925 Wangerin (opus 478), altered 1950’s Joseph Banahan, replaced 1990 Bradford (opus 6), containing parts of other organs, including 1873 Johnson & Son (opus 389), built for Congregational Church, Chester, Connecticut, later in Lawrence Massachusetts, German Presbyterian Church (later Christ Presbyterian Church), and William Laws organ, assembled for Beverly, Massachusetts, First Presbyterian Church—69/7, 10-13SI (Wangerin/Bradford); 71/22 (Bradford); 74/15; 75/14


Wilmette, Illinois:  Wilmette Village Theatre, 1914 W. W. Kimball, replaced c. 1927 Welte (?), Welte sold 1928 to Kenilworth, Illinois, Holy Comforter Episcopal Church, replaced at Kenilworth 1965 Æolian-Skinner (opus 1455)—81/20


Winnetka, Illinois:  Christ Church, Episcopal, Austin (opus 1274), rebuilt, parts in Chicago, Illinois, Epiphany Episcopal Church, 1892 Farrand & Votey (opus 119)—3/1, 6, 11-13, 15S (Farrand & Votey); 17/11 (Farrand & Votey); 25/30-31, 33I (Farrand & Votey); 26/19 (Hall & Labagh); 27/21 (Morton); 28/6 (Farrand & Votey), 13 (Hall & Labagh), 30 (Farrand & Votey); 29/33 (Farrand & Votey); 37/3-4 (Hall & Labagh); 41/14 (Hall & Labagh); 54/12, 18-20S (Farrand & Votey); 56/19 (Farrand & Votey)


Woodstock, Illinois:  Congregational Church, merged with Unitarian Church to form Congregational Unitarian Church—see Congregational Unitarian Church


Woodstock, Illinois:  Congregational Unitarian Church, built as Congregational Church, c. 1907 W. W. Kimball, refurbished with alteration 1985 Bradford—41/31-32SI; 73/3, 5-7SI; 74/20


Woodstock, Illinois:  Saint Mary Catholic Church, 1910 Hutchings (opus 1661)—28/37; 41/27-31SPI; 73/3-5SPI; 74/20; 75/8; 77/3


Woodstock, Illinois:  Unitarian Church, merged with Congregational Church to form Congregational Unitarian Church—see Congregational Unitarian Church


Woodworth, Illinois:  Saint Paul Lutheran Church, 1892 Pfeffer, rebuilt 1970 Roderer—28/40


Yorkville, Illinois:  Cross Lutheran Church, 1913 Hinners, rebuilt 1980 Berghaus—28/37


Zion, Illinois:  Christian Catholic Church, 1929 Welte-Tripp, built for Chicago, Illinois, Saint Augustine Catholic Church (replaced 1905 William Schuelke, church closed 1990, demolished), rebuilt Fabry—20/3-8 (cover)SI