Instruments—by Builders - A


Adams, Gilbert F.:  Worcester, Massachusetts, All Saints Episcopal Church, alterations to 1933 Æolian-Skinner (opus 909, incorporating parts of 1932 Æolian-Skinner opus 895, built temporarily for church's Huntington Hall), replaced 1923 Skinner (opus 406), burned 1932, which replaced 1876 Hutchings-Plaisted (opus 67), which replaced 1864 Johnson (opus 163), burned 1874, alterations 1940-1949 as Æolian Skinner opus 909-A, B, C, D, E, F, revisions 1975-1976 Berkshire, revisions Gilbert Adams, 1980's alterations Nicholas-Bradford, Choir Room has 1932 Æolian-Skinner (opus 897)—22/10 (Æolian-Skinner opus 909)


Adams, Gilbert F.:  New York City, New York, Saint Thomas Episcopal Church, 1970 rebuild of 1955 Æolian-Skinner (opus 205-A and B), rebuild of 1949 M. P. Möller (opus 7900), rebuild of 1945 E. M. Skinner & Son, rebuild of 1913 Skinner (opus 205), rebuilt Mann & Trupiano—15/30


Adams' Sons, W. K. (opus 33):  now in Vancouver, Washington, Saint Luke Episcopal Church (1892), rebuilt 1985 by Bond—57/14



Aeolian-Votey (opus 887):  Lake Forest, Illinois, Lake Forest College, Lily Reid Holt Memorial Chapel (1900)—89/10, 19-20SI


Æolian (opus 947):  Rochester, New York, George Eastman residence (1903), rebuilt 1917 Æolian (opus 1416)—12/4-5I


Æolian (opus 1374):  now in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Christ Church (1916), Episcopal, rebuilt 1934 Æolian-Skinner (opus 926)—53/15


Æolian (opus 1406):  Chicago, Illinois, Swift mansion, now in Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, Belvidere, Illinois—58/12


Æolian (opus 1416):  Rochester, New York, George Eastman residence, 1917 rebuild of 1903 Æolian (opus 947)—12/4-5I


Æolian (opus 1726):  Kennett Square, Pennsylvania, Longwood Gardens, Grand Ballroom (1930)—53/14


Æolian (opus 1738):  San Francisco, California, Grace Cathedral (Episcopal), Chapel, rebuilt 1951 Æolian-Skinner (opus 1151)—49/7


Æolian (opus 1775):  Chicago, Illinois, Disciples Divinity House, Chapel of the Holy Grail (1930), also Skinner proposal (never built), ongoing restoration Berghaus—66/21-24SI; 67/18; 75/9; 76/24-25 (convention)



Aeolian-Skinner (opus 150-A and B):  New York City, New York, Cathedral of Saint John the Divine, 1954 rebuild of 1906 Skinner (opus 150), tonal alteration 1963 (opus 150-B)—15/30


Aeolian-Skinner (opus 205-A and B):  New York City, New York, Saint Thomas Episcopal Church, 1955 rebuild of 1949 M. P. Möller (opus 7900), rebuild of 1945 E. M. Skinner & Son, rebuild of 1913 Skinner (opus 205), rebuilt 1970 Gilbert Adams, rebuilt Mann & Trupiano—15/30


Aeolian-Skinner (opus 327-A):  Evanston, Illinois, Saint Luke Episcopal Church, 1959 alterations to 1922 Skinner (opus 327), which incorporated 1910 Casavant (opus 386) in chapel, replaced 1906 Colburn & Taylor, replaced 1894 Hook & Hastings (opus 1605), replaced unknown, chapel organ replaced 1959 M. P. Möller (opus 9244), later alterations by Tellers, Kurt Roderer, also work by Frank J. Sauter & Sons, Inc., chapel organ sold 1986 to Rosemont, Illinois, Our Lady of Hope Catholic Church, restorations 1990’s Thompson-Allen, also c. 1986 Karl Wilhelm positiv—15/26-32 SI (insert) (Skinner/Casavant/Möller); 28/9 (Skinner); 65/6-12, 14SI (Skinner/Casavant/Möller)


Aeolian-Skinner (opus 615-A and B):  Worcester, Massachusetts, Wesley Methodist Church, 1955 rebuild of 1926 Skinner (opus 615), rebuilt 1972 Berkshire (opus 36)—22/8


Aeolian-Skinner (opus 664-A): Ann Arbor, Michigan, Hill Auditorium, 1955 rebuild of 1893 Farrand & Votey (opus 700), rebuilt 1913 Hutchings, rebuilt 1927 Skinner (opus 664), built for Chicago, Illinois, 1893 World’s Fair (Columbian Exposition), Festival Hall—17/11, 20-30, 37S (Farrand & Votey); 18/10-15; 19/14-21; 20/11-21; 21/8-22; 48/6


Aeolian-Skinner (opus 696-A):  Indianapolis, Indiana, Scottish Rite Cathedral, 1950 additions to 1929 Skinner Organ Company (opus 696), console replaced 1969 Cave Organ Company—92/7I; 95/10I; 96/24


Aeolian-Skinner (opus 891):  New York City, New York, Saint Mary the Virgin Episcopal Church (1932), enlarged 1942, later alterations under Ernest White, 1980’s and 1990’s restoration by Mann & Trupiano, studio of Ernest White had 1939 Aeolian-Skinner (opus 995), enlarged 1941 and 1942, replaced 1945 Aeolian-Skinner (opus 1072), replaced 1945 Aeolian-Skinner (opus 1080, later moved to Canada), replaced 1953 M. P. Möller (opus 8516), built as opus 8443 for San Francisco, California, American Guild of Organists National Convention, relocated and enlarged 1958 for Chicago, Illinois, Saint Paul Episcopal Church (merged with Redeemer Episcopal Church to form Saint Paul and the Redeemer Episcopal Church), to be replaced 2003 Pasi—70/29-33SPI (Möller)


Aeolian-Skinner (opus 895):  Worcester, Massachusetts, All Saints Episcopal Church, Huntington Hall (1932), temporary organ, incorporated into 1933 Aeolian-Skinner (opus 909), replaced 1923 Skinner (opus 406), burned 1932, which replaced replaced 1876 Hutchings-Plaisted (opus 67), which replaced 1864 Johnson (opus 163), burned 1874, alterations 1940-1949 as Aeolian-Skinner opus 909-A, B, C, D, E, F, revisions 1975-1976 Berkshire, revisions Gilbert Adams, 1980's alterations Nicholas-Bradford, Choir Room has 1932 Aeolian-Skinner (opus 897)—22/10 (Aeolian-Skinner opus 909)


Aeolian-Skinner (opus 897):  Worcester, Massachusetts, All Saints Episcopal Church, Choir Room—see Church for 1864 Johnson (opus 163), burned 1874, replaced 1876 Hutchings-Plaisted (opus 67), replaced 1923 Skinner (opus 406), burned 1932, replaced 1933 Aeolian-Skinner (opus 909, incorporating parts of 1932 Aeolian-Skinner opus 895, built temporarily for church's Huntington Hall), alterations 1940-1949 as Aeolian Skinner opus 909-A, B, C, D, E, F, revisions 1975-1976 Berkshire, revisions Gilbert Adams, 1980's alterations Nicholas-Bradford—22/10 (Æolian-Skinner opus 909)


Aeolian-Skinner (opus 904):  Battle Creek, Michigan, W. K. Kellogg Auditorium (1933)—48/5


Aeolian-Skinner (opus 909):  Worcester, Massachusetts, All Saints Episcopal Church, replaced 1923 Skinner (opus 406), burned 1932, which replaced 1876 Hutchings-Plaisted (opus 67), which replaced 1864 Johnson (opus 163), burned 1874, incorporating parts of 1932 Aeolian-Skinner opus 895, built temporarily for church's Huntington Hall, alterations 1940-1949 as Aeolian Skinner opus 909-A, B, C, D, E, F, revisions 1975-1976 Berkshire, revisions Gilbert Adams, 1980's alterations Nicholas-Bradford, Choir Room has 1932 Aeolian-Skinner (opus 897)—22/10 (Aeolian-Skinner opus 909)


Aeolian-Skinner (opus 910):  San Francisco, California, Grace Cathedral (Episcopal), rebuilt 1952, Aeolian-Skinner, console interior 1968 (Ruffatti), additions 1972 (Casavant)—49/7


Aeolian-Skinner (opus 926):  now in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Christ Church, Episcopal, 1934 rebuild of 1916 Æolian (opus 1374)—53/14


Aeolian-Skinner (opus 935): Crawfordsville, Indiana, Wabash College (1935)—92/7; 93/5I; 96/1, 24-25I


Aeolian-Skinner (opus 936):  Groton, Massachusetts, Groton School, Saint John Chapel (1935), replaced 1900 George S. Hutchings, various alterations, including Kinzey-Angerstein, Nicholas-Bradford—22/11 (Æolian-Skinner)


Aeolian-Skinner (opus 940 and 940-A):  Boston, Massachusetts, Advent Episcopal Church (1935-36), rebuilt 1964 Aeolian-Skinner, restoration Nelson Barden Associates, Inc.—69/32


Aeolian-Skinner (opus 948):  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Saint Mark Episcopal Church (1937), which replaced 1902 Austin (opus 69)—53/14


Aeolian-Skinner (opus 963):  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Hamilton Village, Saint Mary Episcopal Church (1937)—53/13


Aeolian-Skinner (opus 993):  Columbus, Indiana, First Christian Church—92/7; 95/9; 96/23-24


Aeolian-Skinner (opus 995):  New York City, New York, Saint Mary the Virgin Episcopal Church, studio of Ernest White (1939), church had 1932 Aeolian-Skinner (opus 891), enlarged 1942, later alterations under Ernest White, 1980’s and 1990’s restoration by Mann & Trupiano, opus 995 enlarged 1941 and 1942, replaced 1945 Aeolian-Skinner (opus 1072), replaced 1945 Aeolian-Skinner (opus 1080, later moved to Canada), replaced 1953 M. P. Möller (opus 8516), built as opus 8443 for San Francisco, California, American Guild of Organists National Convention, relocated and enlarged 1958 for Chicago, Illinois, Saint Paul Episcopal Church (merged with Redeemer Episcopal Church to form Saint Paul and the Redeemer Episcopal Church), to be replaced 2003 Pasi—70/29-33SPI (Möller)


Aeolian-Skinner (opus 1035):  Greencastle, Indiana, DePauw University—92/7; 96/24


Aeolian-Skinner (opus 1036):  Worcester, Massachusetts, Worcester Art Museum (1941)—22/8-9


Aeolian-Skinner (opus 1047-A):  Denver, Colorado, First Baptist Church, built for Atlantic City, New Jersey, Senator Emerson Richards residence (1945)—61/23


Aeolian-Skinner (opus 1055 and 1055-A):  Chicago, Illinois, Monumental Baptist Church, rebuild of c. 1903 Hutchings-Votey (opus 1583), chimes added 1948 (opus 1055-A), which replaced 1869 Johnson & Son (opus 295, probably rebuilt from 1846 Thomas Appleton, originally in Brooklyn Heights, New York, Church of the Pilgrims)—26/19 (Appleton/Johnson); 35/5 (Johnson); 40/4; 61/5; 62/19, 23-25S


Aeolian-Skinner (opus 1072):  New York City, New York, Saint Mary the Virgin Episcopal Church, studio of Ernest White, church had 1932 Aeolian-Skinner (opus 891), enlarged 1942, later alterations under Ernest White, 1980’s and 1990’s restoration by Mann & Trupiano, opus 1072 replaced 1939 Aeolian-Skinner (opus 995, enlarged 1941 and 1942), replaced 1945 Aeolian-Skinner (opus 1080, later moved to Canada), replaced 1953 M. P. Möller (opus 8516), built as opus 8443 for San Francisco, California, American Guild of Organists National Convention, relocated and enlarged 1958 for Chicago, Illinois, Saint Paul Episcopal Church (merged with Redeemer Episcopal Church to form Saint Paul and the Redeemer Episcopal Church), to be replaced 2003 Pasi—70/29-33SPI (Möller)


Aeolian-Skinner (opus 1075):  Salt Lake City, Utah, Mormon Tabernacle, 1945 rebuild of Austin (opus 573), rebuild of 1900-1901 Kimball, rebuild of Joseph Smith, rebuilt Schoenstein—30/13 (Kimball); 58/5-6; 58/5; 60/18


Aeolian-Skinner (opus 1080):  New York City, New York, Saint Mary the Virgin Episcopal Church, studio of Ernest White (1945), church had 1932 Aeolian-Skinner (opus 891), enlarged 1942, later alterations under Ernest White, 1980’s and 1990’s restoration by Mann & Trupiano, opus 1080 replaced 1945 Aeolian-Skinner (opus 1072), which replaced 1939 Aeolian-Skinner (opus 995 enlarged 1941 and 1942), opus 1080 moved to Canada, replaced 1953 M. P. Möller (opus 8516), built as opus 8443 for San Francisco, California, American Guild of Organists National Convention, relocated and enlarged 1958 for Chicago, Illinois, Saint Paul Episcopal Church (merged with Redeemer Episcopal Church to form Saint Paul and the Redeemer Episcopal Church), to be replaced 2003 Pasi—70/29-33SPI (Möller)


Aeolian-Skinner (opus 1151):  San Francisco, California, Grace Cathedral (Episcopal), Chapel, 1951 rebuild of 1929 Æolian (opus 1738)—49/7


Aeolian-Skinner (opus 1195—console only):  Los Angeles, California, Saint Paul Episcopal Cathedral, now in Chicago, Illinois, Saint Mary of Perpetual Help Roman Catholic Church, 1928 Austin (opus 1602), restoration by Berghaus—58/5; 60/18; 64/16; 75/9


Aeolian-Skinner (opus 1203):  Boston, Massachusetts, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Extension, 1949 replacement of 1906 Hook & Hastings (opus 2107), altered 1970’s J. H. Steinkampf and Jason McKown, altered 1990’s Foley-Baker, additional work 1990’s Lawrence Phelps—63/2; 69/32 (Æolian-Skinner/Phelps)


Aeolian-Skinner (opus 1216):  Tacoma, Washington, First United Methodist Church (1953), demolished 2006, organ moved 2007 to Seattle, Washington, First Baptist Church by Bond Organs—97/23I


Aeolian-Skinner (opus 1235):  Forest Park, Illinois, Saint John Evangelical Lutheran Church, replaced 1914 Austin (opus 471, sold to Chicago, Illinois, Saint Timothy Episcopal Church (now Mount Vernon Baptist Church), organ gone), additions by Berghaus—9/9, 11-14SI (Æolian-Skinner/Berghaus); 28/37 (Æolian-Skinner/Berghaus); 61/7, 15-22S(all organs)P(Aeolian-Skinner); 62/30 (Æolian-Skinner); 76/37 (Convention)


Aeolian-Skinner (opus 1278):  Minneapolis, Minnesota, Saint Mark Episcopal Cathedral, 1953 addition of trumpet stop to Welte organ, rebuilt M. P. Möller—4/8


Aeolian-Skinner (opus 1281):  Chicago, Illinois, Saint Paul First Evangelical & Reformed Church, founded as Saint Paul Evangelical Church, now Saint Paul United Church of Christ (1954), burned 1955, replaced 1957 Aeolian-Skinner (opus 1328), replaced 1936 Wangerin, replaced 1898 Johnson & Son (opus 860)—2/4 (Johnson); 28/15


Aeolian-Skinner (opus 1325):  Bloomington, Illinois, Second Presbyterian Church (1956), replaced 1921 Estey (opus 1824), which replaced 1865 Garret House, 1982 additions M. P. Möller, 1986 M. P. Möller console—76/10-11


Aeolian-Skinner (opus 1328):  Chicago, Illinois, Saint Paul United Church of Christ, founded as Saint Paul Evangelical Church, later Saint Paul First Evangelical and Reformed Church (1957), replaced 1954 Aeolian-Skinner (opus 1281), burned 1955, replaced 1936 Wangerin, replaced 1898 Johnson & Son (opus 860)—2/4 (Johnson); 28/15


Aeolian-Skinner (opus 1354):  Chicago, Illinois, Roseland Presbyterian Church (founded as First Presbyterian Church of Roseland), 1960, replaced 1911 M. P. Möller (opus 1301), rebuilt 1914 Möller (opus 1709)—74/3-7SI (Möller/Aeolian-Skinner); 75/13


Aeolian-Skinner (opus 1359):  Chicago, Illinois, Edgebrook Community Church (United Church of Christ), 1961, replaced unknown, additions 1990's Church Music Service—62/14-18SPI (Aeolian-Skinner)


Aeolian-Skinner (opus 1390):  La Grange, Illinois, First Presbyterian Church (1962), replaced 1937 Estey (opus 2798, built as opus 2151 in 1924 for Chicago, Illinois, Lyon & Healy studio), retaining Estey in chancel, which replaced W. W. Kimball, chancel organ since altered, 1981 Brunzema (opus 3)—85/3, 8-11SI (Aeolian-Skinner, Brunzema); 86/6


Aeolian-Skinner (opus 1398):  Saint Paul, Minnesota, Cathedral of Saint Paul (1963), also 1925 Skinner (opus 518)—4/8


Aeolian-Skinner (opus 1450):  Chicago, Illinois, Seventeenth Church of Christ, Scientist (1967)—18/6; 75/3


Aeolian-Skinner (opus 1455):  Kenilworth, Illinois:  Holy Comforter Episcopal Church (1965), earlier instruments:  1906 Hook & Hastings (opus 2106), burned 1906, replaced 1907 Hook & Hastings (opus 2147), replaced 1928 with c. 1927 Welte (?), built for Wilmette, Illinois, Wilmette Village Theatre, Aeolian-Skinner since altered—81/18-23SPI (Aeolian-Skinner)


Aeolian-Skinner (opus 1466):  Oak Park, Illinois, Judson Baptist Church (1966-1967), rebuild of 1929 Estey (opus 2848), alterations by Gilbert Mead—78/9, 14-18SI (both organs); 79/18


Aeolian-Skinner (opus 1490):  Indianapolis, Indiana, Second Presbyterian Church, replaced 1937 Geo. Kilgen & Son (opus 5923), replaced E. & G. G. Hook (opus 499)—92/7 (Aeolian-Skinner); 96/22 (Aeolian-Skinner); 97/15I (Kilgen)


Aeolian-Skinner (opus 1511):  Kalamazoo, Michigan. Christ the King Episcopal Cathedral (1969), closed 2007, sold to Franklin, Tennessee, Saint Andrew Lutheran Church—97/10-11SI


Aeolian-Skinner (opus 1516):  Chicago, Illinois, Fourth Presbyterian Church (1970), rebuilt 1994 Goulding & Wood, replaced 1970 Roderer (sold 1971 to Palos Park, Illinois, Transfiguration Episcopal Church), replaced 1913 Skinner (opus 210), which replaced 1874 Johnson & Son (opus 436, moved c. 1912 to Chicago, Illinois, Christ Presbyterian Church, destroyed 1967), which replaced 1865 Pilcher Bros. & Chant (opus 65), built for Chicago, Illinois, North Presbyterian Church, merged 1871 with Westminster Presbyterian Church to form Fourth Presbyterian Church, burned 1871—9/5 (Johnson); 25/22 (Johnson); 26/19 (Johnson), 23 (Pilcher); 28/9, 13, 14 (Skinner), 40 (Roderer); 35/5 (Pilcher); 38/7-8S (Pilcher): 42/26-27, 30-31 (Pilcher)


Aeolian-Skinner (opus 3015):  Chicago, Illinois, Sherwood School of Music, now Sherwood Conservatory of Music (1941), now in Valparaiso, Indiana, Saint Paul Catholic Church, Choir Room, Old Church:  1905 Lyon & Healy (opus 148, factory number 1401), demolished with building 1967, New Main Church:  1978 Casavant (opus 3383); Chapel of Mary, Queen of the Apostles:  1883 Johnson & Son (opus 615, built for Faribault, Minnesota, First Congregational Church, then in Masonic Temple, Faribault, Minnesota, restored 1994 Rutz, Morristown, Minnesota)—46/1 (Johnson & Son); 53/4; 54/5-6S, 10 (Casavant/Johnson & Son); 56/11, 15; 61/4S (Æolian-Skinner); 69/29I (Johnson & Son); 75/10



Ahearn, Dan:  Warner, New Hampshire, Magdalene College Chapel, 1999 relocation of 1937 Wicks (opus 1592), built for East Chicago, Indiana, Assumption (Slovak) Catholic Church, church closed 1998—66/9SI


Ahearn, Dan:  Ann Arbor, Michigan, Motherhouse of Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, 2000 moving of 1947 Wicks (opus 2751), built for Gary, Indiana, Holy Trinity (Slovak) Catholic Church, a rebuild of a (second-hand?) Kilgen, Gary building later Abundant Life Missionary Baptist Church, organ removed 2000 to Ann Arbor, Michigan, Motherhouse of Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist—56/10, 12SP; 67/11I


Ahrend (opus 75):  Eugene, Oregon, University of Oregon, School of Music, Beall Concert Hall (1972)—57/16



American Organ Supply:  Chicago, Illinois, Saint Ignatius Catholic Church, restorative repairs 1924 Geo. Kilgen & Son (opus 3319, 4408, and 5217), 1977 alterations Rev. Jim Serrick, restoration, 1990’s Brian Du Sell, Jerry Kinsella, David Wigton, replaced 1912 Casavant (South Haven opus 2)—65/15-19, 28SI (Kilgen); 67/16 (Kilgen)


American Organ Supply:  Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Saint Anthony Catholic Church, rebuild of 1923 Wangerin, rebuild of 1890 Wm. Schuelke—26/12, 14-16S(all organs)I



Anderson, C.:  Georgetown, Colorado, Grace Episcopal Church (1876)—61/24


Anderson, C.:  Colorado Springs, Colorado, First Presbyterian Church (c. 1879), now in Manitou Springs, Colorado, Community Congregational Church—61/25


Anderson, Chas.:  Denver, Colorado, Asbury United Methodist Church (1882)—61/25


Anderson, E.:  East Chicago, Indiana, First Congregational Church, rebuild or replacement of 1914 Hinners—65/12-13S (Anderson)



Andover:  Bucksport, Maine, Elm Street Congregational Church, 1863 E. & G. G. Hook (opus 328), restored 1963 Andover—8/3; 10/2


Andover:  Leominster, Massachusetts, Saint Mark Episcopal Church, 1964 rebuild of 1868 E. & G. G. Hook (opus 445), built for Fitchville, Massachusetts, Christ Church, Episcopal—22/10-11


Andover Organ Company (opus 111):  Newton Centre, Massachusetts, First Baptist Church (1985)—69/33


Andover:  Oxford, Massachusetts, Grace Episcopal Church, 1971 restoration of 1867 Johnson (opus 223)—22/11


Andover:  Buffalo, New York, Saint Joseph Catholic Cathedral, 2000 rebuild of 1876 Hook & Hastings, E. & G. G. (opus 848), built for Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Centennial Exposition, moved to Buffalo—82/2-3I (Andover)



Andrews, Alvinza & Son:  Auburn, Washington, Saint Matthew Episcopal Church (1853)—14/10; 16/28


Andrews, Alvinza:  Chicago, Illinois, Second Presbyterian Church (1854), rebuilt 1864 Chant, burned 1871, replaced 1873 Johnson & Son (opus 410), rebuilt 1892 Farrand & Votey, rebuilt 1901 Hutchings-Votey (opus 535), rebuilt 1917 Austin (opus 767)—25/18, 21 (Chant), 23 (Johnson), 31 (Johnson/Farrand & Votey); 26/19 (Johnson), 21 (Andrews/Chant); 28/13 (Andrews/Chant, Johnson); 35/5 (Andrews); 36/4-8S (Andrews/Chant); 42/26, 30-32; 55/4-5S



Andrews, G.:  Chicago, Illinois, Salem Church (Evangelical Lutheran or Congregational?), 1864—35/5; 38/3-4


Andrews, G.:  Chicago, Illinois, Our Saviour Church (Episcopal or Lutheran?), 1865—35/5; 38/6


Andrews, G.:  Chicago, Illinois, Julius Bauer & Co. (1865)—35/5; 39/6-7



Appleton, Thomas:  now in New York City, New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art—22/9


Appleton, Thomas: Middle Haddam, Connecticut, Second Congregational Church (1827), restored 1992 Mann & Trupiano—45/5


Appleton, Thomas:  Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, Church of Our Lord, Episcopal (c. 1830)—16/29


Appleton, Thomas:  Charleston, South Carolina, Saint Philip Episcopal Church, Chapel of the Good Shepherd (1839)—17/32; 35/18


Appleton, Thomas:  Brooklyn Heights, New York, Church of the Pilgrims (1846), probably rebuilt 1869 for Chicago, Illinois, South Congregational Church, by Johnson & Son (opus 295), later in Chicago, Illinois, Memorial Baptist Church, organ gone—26/19 (Appleton/Johnson); 35/5 (Johnson); 40/3-4S (Johnson?); 61/5; 62/24



Austin (opus 2—built under Clough & Warren name):  Detroit, Michigan, Sweetest Heart of Mary Catholic Church (1894)—48/4


Austin (opus 65):  Chicago, Illinois, Bush Temple of Music (c. 1903), burned, some pipes in Techny, Illinois, Divine Word Seminary, Chapel of the Holy Spirit, 1924-1927 Wiener Bros., also incorporating 1911 Wicks (opus 38), built for Techny, Illinois—24/19-20 (insert) SI (Wiener); 69/7, 22-28SI (Austin/Wicks/Wiener); 71/22I (Wiener)


Austin (opus 69):  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Saint Mark Episcopal Church, replaced 1937 Æolian-Skinner (opus 948)—43/24


Austin (opus 92):  Denver, Colorado, Oakes Home, Chapel of Our Most Merciful Saviour (1902/1903), building now Gardens of Saint Elizabeth's, Chapel of Christ the King—61/25-26


Austin (opus 166):  New Britain, Connecticut, Saint Mary Catholic Church (1906)—45/5


Austin Organ Co. (opus 172):  Chicago, Illinois, Saint Paul Community Church (1906), founded as Saint Paul Norwegian Lutheran Church, merged with Saint Peter Norwegian Lutheran Church, closed 2007, rebuilt 1967 Leonard G. Berghaus—75/12; 98/12-14S


Austin (opus 271):  Chicago, Illinois, Austin Methodist Episcopal Church (1909), rebuilt 1954 Austin, church later Fraternite Notre Dame, a.k.a. Our Lady of Frechou, Mother of Mercy and Mother of the Church—73/14-16SI; 78/9-11SI; 79/18


Austin Organ Co. (opus 294):  San Francisco, California:  Saint Peter Episcopal Church (1912)—98/20-21S


Austin:  Chicago, Illinois, Saint Patrick Catholic Church (1914), replaced c. 1873 William Pilcher, which replaced 1858 Erben—35/5 (Erben); 37/6; 62/6 (Austin)


Austin (opus 471):  Forest Park, Illinois, Saint John Evangelical Lutheran Church (1914), 1939 proposed rebuild by M. P. Möller, sold to Chicago, Illinois, Saint Timothy Episcopal Church (now Mount Vernon Baptist Church, organ gone), 1950’s proposal, not built, replaced 1954 Æolian-Skinner (opus 1235), additions by Berghaus—9/9, 11-14SI (Æolian-Skinner/Berghaus); 61/7, 15-21S(all organs)P(Æolian-Skinner); 62/30 (Æolian-Skinner)


Austin (opus 500):  built for San Francisco, California, Festival Hall of Exposition, later in Civic Auditorium—74/23


Austin (opus 507):  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Saint Clement Episcopal Church (1914)—53/14


Austin (opus 558):  Chicago, Illinois, Medinah Temple, removed to storage 2001 Austin, earlier buildings housed 1875 Hook & Hastings (opus 794, built for Chicago, Illinois, Unity Unitarian Church, replaced 1868 Hook & Hastings (opus 471))—24/11 (Hook opus 794/Austin); 25/3-12, 33SPI (Austin); 28/6 (Austin/Hook & Hastings), 9 (Austin), 13, 20 (Hook, opus 794), 32 (Austin); 29/34 (Austin); 29/33 (Hook opus 794); 35/5 (Hook opus 471); 42/26-27, 30-31 (opus 471); 55/13-16S (both organs); 55/14; 56/20; 62/6-10SP (Austin, Hook, etc.); 63/4 (Austin); 64/4I (Austin); 65/5 (Austin); 66/5 (Austin); 67/5I (Austin); 69/5I (Austin); 71/20I (Austin); 72/4I (Austin); 78/8


Austin (opus 573):  Salt Lake City, Utah, Mormon Tabernacle, 1915 rebuild of 1900-1901 Kimball, rebuild of Joseph Smith, rebuilt 1949 Æolian-Skinner (opus 1075), rebuilt Schoenstein—30/13 (Kimball); 58/5-6


Austin (opus 579):  Chicago, Illinois, Saint Paul Episcopal Church (1915), replaced unknown, burned 1956, replaced 1958 M. P. Möller (opus 8516), built as opus 8443 for San Francisco, California, American Guild of Organists National Convention, relocated and rebuilt as opus 8516 for New York City, New York, Saint Mary the Virgin Episcopal Church, studio of Ernest White, to be replaced 2003 Pasi—70/5, 23-33SPI (Austin/Möller); 71/21S (Pasi)


Austin (opus 659):  Chicago, Illinois, Fifth Church of Christ, Scientist (1916), replaced 1905 Hillgreen-Lane & Co. (opus 108), building later Mount Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church, later Art Smith residence—78/4-8SI


Austin (opus 664):  Chicago, Illinois, Saint Gabriel Catholic Church (1916), burned 1949 and 1952, rebuilt 1953 William Delle, including pipework from Chicago, Illinois, Cathedral of the Holy Name (?)—62/19, 21-23S


Austin (opus 681):  Chicago, Illinois, Ninth Church of Christ, Scientist (1917), 1922 Austin additions, building later First Church of Christ, Scientist, now Saint John Baptist Temple—62/25; 65/26


Austin (opus 767):  Chicago, Illinois, Second Presbyterian Church (see also Olivet Presbyterian Church), 1917 rebuilt 1873 Johnson & Son (opus 410), (which replaced 1854 Andrews, rebuilt 1864 Chant, burned 1871), rebuilt 1892 Farrand & Votey, rebuilt 1901 Hutchings-Votey (opus 535)—25/18, 21 (Chant), 23 (Johnson), 31 (Johnson/Farrand & Votey); 26/19 (Johnson), 21 (Andrews/Chant); 28/13 (Andrews/Chant, Johnson); 35/5 (Andrews); 36/4-8S (Andrews/Chant); 39/8; 42/26 (Andrews/Chant); 54/12; 55/6-10S (Austin); 56/19-20


Austin Organ Co. (opus 813):  Chicago, Illinois, Bethany Evangelical Lutheran Church (1918)—92/18-19SI


Austin (opus 860):  Pueblo, Colorado, Pueblo City Hall and Memorial Auditorium (1920)—61/25


Austin Organ Co. (opus 886):  Chicago, Illinois:  Unity Evangelical Lutheran Church (1920)—92/14-15SI


Austin (opus 930):  Springfield, Illinois, Saint Paul Episcopal Church (later Cathedral), c. 1843 Harrison A. Hough, replaced 1848 Schwab, replaced 1881 Johnson & Son (opus 554), replaced 1920 Austin (opus 930), replaced 1977 electronic—47/2-3S (Schwab); 52/4-5


Austin (opus 948):  Chicago, Illinois, Saint James Episcopal Church, now Cathedral, rebuilt 1961 Austin (opus 2368), further alterations, console replaced with 1930 Skinner (opus 818, built for Los Angeles, California, UCLA, Royce Hall), 1999 purchase of 1929 Skinner (opus 752, built for Chicago, Illinois, Chicago Civic Opera House, later Lyric Opera of Chicago), for instrument by Bradford, which replaced 1875 Johnson (opus 456), rebuilt 1903 Marshall-Bennett (opus 156), which replaced 1870 Johnson (opus 334), which replaced 1857 Hall & Labagh (?sold to Chicago, Illinois, Epiphany Episcopal Church?), burned 1871, which replaced 1837 Erben, chapel housed (1912 and/or 1914?) Estey (opus 1123 and/or 1211?), now gone—14/14 (1870 Johnson); 15/8-13, 15SI (both Johnsons, Austin, Estey); 25/21, 23 (both Johnsons); 26/19 (Hall & Labagh/1875 Johnson); 28/9 (Austin), 13, 14 (Hall & Labagh/both Johnsons, both Austins); 35/4-15 (I)(Erben, Hall & Labagh, 1870 Johnson); 37/3-4 (Hall & Labagh/Johnson); 37/3-4 (Hall & Labagh/Johnson); 41/11-14S (1870 Johnson); 42/25, 28-32 (1870 Johnson); 42/31 (Erben); 42/31 (Hall & Labagh); 64/7-9SI (Skinner); 71/15 (Johnson); 74/23


Austin (opus 978):  Chicago, Illinois, Basilica of Our Lady of Sorrows, 1920 console for 1902 Lyon & Healy, ongoing restorative repairs, Berghaus Organ Company—3/1, 4S; 28/27; 54/12-15S; 56/19; 62/6; 72/4I; 76/34 (Convention); 77/3


Austin Organ Co. (opus 1075):  Chicago, Illinois:  North Shore Baptist Church (1922), rebuilt 2002 Fabry—92/9-13SI


Austin (opus 1196):  Chicago, Illinois, Our Lady of Solace Catholic Church (1923) closed 1980’s, console later at Chicago, Illinois, Saint Lawrence Catholic Church (closed 2002), 1928 Austin (opus 1588), which replaced 1900 Lyon & Healy (opus 39, factory number 1274)—50/6, 10; 75/3-5SI (Austin opus 1588)


Austin (opus 1233):  Denver, Colorado, Fourth Church of Christ, Scientist (1925), building now Lotus in the Flame Temple, Denver Zen Center—61/25


Austin (opus 1246):  Chicago, Illinois, All Saints Polish National Catholic Cathedral, building now Covenant Presbyterian Church (1924/1931)—56/4-5S


Austin (opus 1274):  Winnetka, Illinois, Christ Church, Episcopal, rebuilt, parts in Chicago, Illinois, Epiphany Episcopal Church, 1892 Farrand & Votey (opus 119)—3/1, 6, 11-13, 15S (Farrand & Votey); 17/11 (Farrand & Votey); 25/30-31, 33I (Farrand & Votey); 26/19 (Hall & Labagh); 27/21 (Morton); 28/6 (Farrand & Votey), 13 (Hall & Labagh), 30 (Farrand & Votey); 29/33 (Farrand & Votey); 37/3-4 (Hall & Labagh); 41/14 (Hall & Labagh); 54/12, 18-20S (Farrand & Votey; 56/19 (Farrand & Votey)


Austin (opus 1297):  Chicago, Illinois, Saint Ambrose Roman Catholic Church—50/5, 7S; 58/19-20S


Austin (opus 1515):  Chicago, Illinois, Eighteenth Church of Christ, Scientist (1927)—66/5


Austin (opus 1588):  Chicago, Illinois, Saint Lawrence Catholic Church (1928), replaced 1900 Lyon & Healy (opus 39, factory number 1274), addition of console from 1923 Austin opus 1196 (Chicago, Illinois, Our Lady of Solace Catholic Church, closed 1980’s), closed 2002—50/6, 10S; 75/3-5SI (Austin opus 1588)


Austin (opus 1602):  Chicago, Illinois, Saint Mary of Perpetual Help Roman Catholic (1928), console replaced by 1949 Æolian-Skinner (opus 1195), restoration by Berghaus—58/4-9S; 60/18; 64/16; 72/5I; 75/9; 76/26-27 (Convention)


Austin (opus 1627):  Hartford, Connecticut, Bushnell Memorial Hall (1929)—45/5


Austin (opus 1634):  South Bend, Indiana, Westminster Presbyterian Church (1928)—73/13


Austin (opus 1646):  Chicago, Illinois, Second Church of Christ, Scientist, 1928-1929 rebuild of 1901 Hutchings-Votey (opus 525)—62/26; 77/4-8SI (Austin); 78/8, 28I


Austin (opus 1670):  Chicago, Illinois, Visitation Catholic Church (1929), replaced 1910 Casavant (opus 427), Casavant moved to Cicero, Illinois, Mary, Queen of Heaven Catholic Church, rebuilt 1954 Casavant (opus 2281), altered 1970’s D. S. Wentz, restoration ongoing 1990’s Michael Perrault, parish merged c. 1990 with Saint Basil Catholic Church to form Saint Basil-Visitation Catholic Church, Saint Basil Catholic Church, 1913 M. P. Möller (opus 1496), 1926 Reuter (opus 185), removed c. 1990, church demolished 1998—63/4-5S (Reuter); 66/11-15SI (Austin/Casavant); 67/8, 18 (Visitation)


Austin Organ Co. (opus 1679):  Chicago, Illinois, Saint Jerome Catholic Church (1929)—92/1, 23SI


Austin Organ Co. (opus 1710):  Chicago, Illinois, Edgewater Presbyterian Church (1929)—92/16-17SI


Austin Organ Co. (opus 1711):  South Bend, Indiana, Saint Patrick Catholic Church (1929), replaced Van Dinter, which replaced c. 1875 Derrick & Felgemaker (opus 290)—89/4-7SI


Austin (opus 1796):  Chicago, Illinois, Catholic Apostolic Church, building now Christ the Savior Orthodox Church in America (1931)—55/11-12S


Austin (opus 2043): Gary, Indiana, First Presbyterian Church (now First United Presbyterian Church) (1941), replaced 1913 Hinners (opus 1662), burned 1947, replaced by 1924 Skinner (opus 424, rebuilt 1949 A. R. Temple & Associates)—59/11-16S (all organs); 83/3-4I; 99/1I (Austin)


Austin Organs, Inc. (opus 2054):  Evanston, Illinois:  Hemenway United Methodist Church (merger of Hemenway and Covenant United Methodist Churches—see also Covenant United Methodist Church), 1941, 1922 M. P. Möller (opus 3519), burned 1932, replaced 1899 Lancashire-Marshall (opus 127), Austin merged with Covenant’s 1969 Schlicker Organ Co. organ by Bradford (2005)—96/7-9SI (Austin/Schlicker); 97/6


Austin (opus 2147):  Waukegan, Illinois, Saint Bartholomew Catholic Church (1952), congregation merged with Saint Joseph Catholic Church to form Holy Family Catholic Church, using Saint Joseph Church—81/3


Austin (opus 2159):  Chicago, Illinois, Holy Family Catholic Church, 1949 rebuild of 1922 Tellers-Kent, rebuild of 1892 Frank Roosevelt (opus 498), rebuild of 1870 Louis Mitchell, also 1865 Pilcher & Chant (opus 66), from Chicago, Illinois, Reed’s Temple of Music, which possibly replaced unknown, Austin sold and removed 1971 (gallery only) to Lake Zurich, Illinois, Saint Peter United Church of Christ, rebuilt by Temple Organ Company (Burlington, Iowa), lower gallery 1905 Colburn & Taylor, rebuilt into Austin organ (opus 2168), rebuilt Berghaus; 1879 Steinmeyer organ—13/6-8, 14-16, 18SPI (Mitchell/Roosevelt/Austin, Coburn & Taylor); 14/14 (unknown/Pilcher/Mitchell); 15/9 (Mitchell), 18-25, 38SP; 17/24 (Mitchell/Roosevelt); 18/6 (Mitchell); 22/12-19 (Mitchell); 25/21 (Mitchell); 26/19 (Mitchell); 35/4-6 (Pilcher, Mitchell); 38/8S (Pilcher), 14-15 (Mitchell); 40/8; 41/13-14 (Mitchell); 42/19S, 31 (Pilcher); 42/31, 43/30, 32 (Mitchell); 49/2-3S (Steinmeyer); 71/8-9I (Mitchell/Steinmeyer/Austin)


Austin (opus 2168):  Chicago, Illinois, Holy Family Catholic Church, 1950 rebuild of lower gallery 1905 Colburn & Taylor, rebuilt Berghaus; also 1865 Pilcher & Chant (opus 66), from Chicago, Illinois, Reed’s Temple of Music, which possibly replaced unknown, 1870 Louis Mitchell, rebuilt 1892 Frank Roosevelt (opus 498), rebuilt 1922 Tellers-Kent, rebuilt 1950 Austin (opus 2159), sold and removed 1971 (gallery only) to Lake Zurich, Illinois, Saint Peter United Church of Christ, rebuilt by Temple Organ Company (Burlington, Iowa), rebuilt into Austin organ (opus 2168), 1879 Steinmeyer organ—13/6-8, 14-16, 18SPI (Mitchell/Roosevelt/Austin, Coburn & Taylor); 14/14 (unknown/Pilcher/Mitchell); 15/9 (Mitchell), 18-25, 38SP; 17/24 (Mitchell/Roosevelt); 18/6 (Mitchell); 22/12-19 (Mitchell); 25/21 (Mitchell); 26/19 (Mitchell); 35/4-6 (Pilcher, Mitchell); 38/8S (Pilcher), 14-15 (Mitchell); 40/8; 41/13-14 (Mitchell); 42/19S, 31 (Pilcher); 42/31, 43/30, 32 (Mitchell); 49/2-3S (Steinmeyer); 71/8-9I (Mitchell/Steinmeyer/Austin)


Austin Organs, Inc., (opus 2266):  Chicago, Illinois, Saint Gall Catholic Church (1957)—94/8-11SI


Austin (opus 2317):  Gary (Glen Park), Indiana, Forty-Third Avenue Presbyterian Church, replaced Kilgen organ, now in Park Ridge, Illinois, Park Ridge Presbyterian Church—59/16-18S (Austin)


Austin (opus 2368):  Chicago, Illinois, Saint James Episcopal Church, now Cathedral, 1961 rebuild of Austin (opus 948), which replaced 1875 Johnson (opus 456), rebuilt 1903 Marshall-Bennett (opus 156), which replaced 1870 Johnson (opus 334), which replaced 1857 Hall & Labagh (?sold to Chicago, Illinois, Epiphany Episcopal Church?), burned 1871, which replaced 1837 Erben, further alterations, console replaced with 1930 Skinner (opus 818, built for Los Angeles, California, UCLA, Royce Hall), 1999 purchase of 1929 Skinner (opus 752, built for Chicago, Illinois, Chicago Civic Opera House, later Lyric Opera of Chicago), for instrument by Bradford, chapel housed (1912 and/or 1914?) Estey (opus 1123 and/or 1211?), now gone—14/14 (1870 Johnson); 15/8-13, 15SI (both Johnsons, Austin, Estey); 25/21, 23 (both Johnsons); 26/19 (Hall & Labagh/1875 Johnson); 28/9 (Austin), 13, 14 (Hall & Labagh/both Johnsons, both Austins); 35/4-15 (I)(Erben, Hall & Labagh, 1870 Johnson); 37/3-4 (Hall & Labagh/Johnson); 37/3-4 (Hall & Labagh/Johnson); 41/11-14S (1870 Johnson); 42/25, 28-32 (1870 Johnson); 42/31 (Erben); 42/31 (Hall & Labagh); 64/7-9SI (Skinner); 71/15 (Johnson)


Austin:  Los Angeles, California, Saint James Episcopal Church—58/5