Instruments—by Builders – N


Newman, David Bruce:  Portland, Oregon, Municipal Auditorium, 1971-1975 restoration of 1916 Skinner (opus 265), now in Alpenrose Dairy—57/15-16



Nicholas-Bradford:  Groton, Massachusetts, Groton School, Saint John Chapel, alterations 1935 Æolian-Skinner (opus 936), various other alterations, including Kinzey-Angerstein, replaced 1900 George S. Hutchings—22/11 (Æolian-Skinner)


Nicholas-Bradford:  Worcester, Massachusetts, All Saints Episcopal Church, revisions to 1933 Æolian-Skinner (opus 909, incorporating parts of 1932 Æolian-Skinner opus 895, built temporarily for church's Huntington Hall), replaced 1923 Skinner (opus 406), burned 1932, which replaced 1876 Hutchings-Plaisted (opus 67), which replaced 1864 Johnson (opus 163), burned 1874, alterations 1940-1949 as Æolian Skinner opus 909-A, B, C, D, E, F, revisions 1975-1976 Berkshire, revisions Gilbert Adams, Choir Room has 1932 Æolian-Skinner (opus 897)—22/10 (Æolian-Skinner opus 909)



Nichols (or Edwards):  Chicago, Illinois, New Jerusalem Swedenborgian Church (1863), erroneous, really by John Roberts, burned 1871—35/5; 37/18-22SI; 38/3S; 42/26



Nickerson, Richard:  Arlington, Massachusetts, First Parish Unitarian Church, 1983 relocation through Organ Clearing House of 1870 E. & G. G. Hook (opus 529), built for Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Christ Methodist Episcopal Church, restored 1998 Bishop Organ Company—69/32



Niemann, Henry:  Poulsbo, Washington, Saint Charles, King and Martyr, Episcopal Church (1896)—14/14; 16/28-29



Noack:  Orrington, Maine, Methodist Church, 1962 rebuild of 1853 E. L. Holbrook—8/3; 10/2


Noack, Fritz, and John Boody:  Orono, Maine, University of Maine, 1971 rebuild of 1901 Hook & Hastings (opus 1907)—8/2


Noack:  Decatur, Illinois, First United Methodist Church (1973)—7/4, 7SI


Noack:  Glen Ellyn, Illinois, Faith Lutheran Church (1974)—12/2-3SI; 16/20; 19/25


Noack (opus 42):  La Grange Park, Illinois:  Convent of the Sisters of Saint Joseph, Chapel of Our Lady of Bethlehem (1968), replaced 1929 M. P. Möller (opus 5555), opus 42 since relocated to Harrodsburg, Kentucky, Saint Andrew Catholic Church, also 1969 Noack (opus 44)—29/26-27SI; 85/3, 17-20SI (all organs)


Noack (opus 44):  La Grange Park, Illinois, Convent of the Sisters of Saint Joseph, Chapel of Our Lady of Bethlehem (1969), replaced 1929 M. P. Möller (opus 5555), also 1968 Noack (opus 42, since relocated to Harrodsburg, Kentucky, Saint Andrew Catholic Church)—29/26, 28-30SI; 36/14, insert; 85/3, 17-20SI (all organs); 86/6


Noack:  Grafton, Massachusetts, Unidentified Church, 1969 rebuild of Erben—22/11


Noack:  Worcester, Massachusetts, Mechanics Hall, restoration of 1863 Hook (opus 334)—22/10, 21; 23/12


Noack (opus 40):  Worcester, Massachusetts, Trinity Lutheran Church (1969)—22/9


Noack (opus 93):  Corvalis, Oregon, First United Methodist Church—57/16


Noack:  West Seattle, Washington, First Lutheran Church—16/27



Noehren, Robert:  Chicago, Illinois, Saint Richard of Chichester Episcopal Church (1963)—90/7-9SPI


Noehren, Robert:  Ann Arbor, Michigan, First Baptist Church (1965)—48/4


Noehren, Robert:  Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Saint John Catholic Cathedral—4/10



Norris Organ Company, John J.: 1957-1963 rebuild (with James W. Biggers, Jr., and others) of Gary, Indiana, Christ Episcopal Church, 1912 Hillgreen, Lane & Company (opus 285), console rebuilt 1936, rebuilt 1980-1981, David L. Hamblin, Jr., building now Saint Stephen Missionary Baptist Church—60/10-11S



Notter-Menke:  Aurora, Illinois, Saint David Episcopal Church, 1963 relocation and rebuild of 1889 Henry Pilcher's Sons, built for Sycamore, Illinois, Waterman School—22/6-7SI



Nutting, William: Dunham, Québec, Canada:  All Saints Anglican Church (1854)—67/13