Instruments—by Builders – T


Tallman, F. J. N.:  Litchfield, Connecticut, United Methodist Church (1893)—45/5



Tannenberg, David:  Spring City, Pennsylvania, Zion Lutheran Church (1791)—53/16



Taylor, J. C.:  Chicago, Illinois, Mayfair United Methodist Church, 1984 renovation of 1872 Johnson & Son (opus 386?, built for Chicago, Illinois, Oriental Lodge), moved 1923 to present church by Coburn Organ Company—24/11; 27/24-29SI; 28/23; 29/31-32S, 33-34 (insert); 37/17-18; 58/9; 62/6; 64/5-6SI, 17-18; 79/3


Taylor, J. C.:  Madison, Wisconsin, Luther Memorial Lutheran Church, 1996 moving of 1893 J. W. Steere & Sons (opus 356), built for Chicago, Illinois, Fifth Presbyterian Church, later in Chicago, Illinois, Millard Congregational Church, founded as Lawndale Congregational Church, work by Paul Beiber (?), building c. 1997-1998 became Iglesia Advantista del Septimo Dia Hispanico America—23/3-6I (insert); 24/11; 25/21; 26/18; 28/6, 28; 29/33; 30/26; 63/6-7SI



Tellers:  Chicago, Illinois, Saint Vincent de Paul Catholic Church, 1959 rebuild of 1901 Lyon & Healy (opus 80, factory number 1330), burned May 15, 1955, alterations 1994 Frank J. Sauter & Sons—63/11-15SPI; 64/19


Tellers:  Evanston, Illinois, Saint Luke Episcopal Church, alterations to 1922 Skinner (opus 327), replaced 1906 Colburn & Taylor, replaced 1894 Hook & Hastings (opus 1605), replaced unknown, altered 1959 Æolian-Skinner (opus 327-A), chapel organ 1910 Casavant (opus 386), replaced 1959 M. P. Möller (opus 9244), later alterations by Kurt Roderer, also work by Frank J. Sauter & Sons, Inc., chapel organ sold 1986 to Rosemont, Illinois, Our Lady of Hope Catholic Church, restorations 1990’s Thompson-Allen, also c. 1986 Karl Wilhelm positiv—15/26-32 SI (insert) (Skinner/Casavant/Möller); 28/9 (Skinner); 65/6-12, 14SI (Skinner/Casavant/Möller)


Tellers:  Dubuque, Iowa,  Saint Raphael Catholic Cathedral, 1937 rebuild of 1914 Tellers-Sommerhof, rebuilt 1918 Tellers-Kent, which replaced 1861 Erben—76/11-12


Tellers:  Saint Paul, Minnesota, House of Hope Presbyterian Church, rebuild of 1913 Skinner (opus 214), replaced 1978 Fisk (opus 78), Skinner/Tellers altered and moved to Westminster, Colorado, Westminster Methodist Church—4/8 (Fisk)



Tellers-Kent:  Dubuque, Iowa, Saint Raphael Catholic Cathedral, 1918 rebuild of 1914 Tellers-Sommerhof, which replaced 1861 Erben, rebuilt 1937 Tellers—76/11-12


Tellers-Kent:  Chicago, Illinois, Holy Family Catholic Church, 1922 rebuild of 1892 Frank Roosevelt (opus 498), rebuild of 1870 Mitchell, (also in building, 1865 Pilcher & Chant (opus 66), from Chicago, Illinois, Reed’s Temple of Music, which possibly replaced unknown), rebuilt 1950 Austin (opus 2159), sold and removed 1971 (gallery only) to Lake Zurich, Illinois, Saint Peter United Church of Christ, rebuilt by Temple Organ Company (Burlington, Iowa), lower gallery 1905 Colburn & Taylor, rebuilt into Austin organ (opus 2168), rebuilt Berghaus; 1879 Steinmeyer organ—13/6-8, 14-16, 18SPI (Mitchell/Roosevelt/Austin, Coburn & Taylor); 14/14 (unknown/Pilcher/Mitchell); 15/9 (Mitchell), 18-25, 38SP; 17/24 (Mitchell/Roosevelt); 18/6 (Mitchell); 22/12-19 (Mitchell); 25/21 (Mitchell); 26/19 (Mitchell); 35/4-6 (Pilcher, Mitchell); 38/8S (Pilcher), 14-15 (Mitchell); 40/8; 41/13-14 (Mitchell); 42/19S, 31 (Pilcher); 42/31, 43/30, 32 (Mitchell); 49/2-3S (Steinmeyer); 71/8-9I (Mitchell/Steinmeyer/Austin); 72/9



Tellers-Sommerhoff:  Chicago, Illinois, Holy Cross (Lithuanian) Catholic Church, merged with Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church to form Holy Cross/Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church, 1915 Tellers-Sommerhoff—86/13-15SI; 94/11-13SI


Tellers-Sommerhof:  Dubuque, Iowa, Saint Raphael Catholic Cathedral (1914), replaced 1861 Erben, rebuilt 1918 Tellers-Kent, rebuilt 1937 Tellers—76/11-12



Temple, A. R.:  Oak Park, Illinois, Cuyler Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church, rebuild of 1914 Möller (opus 1599), congregation merged with Washington Boulevard Methodist Episcopal Church, Trinity Methodist Church, Willard Memorial Methodist Church, to form Cornerstone United Methodist Church—78/9, 12-14SI; 79/18


Temple:  Oak Park, Illinois, Willard Memorial Methodist Church (1930’s), rebuilt 1980 Berghaus, building later Telgdu United Methodist Church, Willard congregation merged with Cuyler Avenue Methodist Church, Trinity Methodist Church, and Washington Boulevard Methodist Church to form Cornerstone United Methodist Church, using the Cuyler Avenue building—28/38; 78/12-14


Temple & Associates, A. R.:  Gary, Indiana, First Presbyterian Church (now First United Presbyterian Church), 1949 rebuild of 1924 Skinner (opus 424, additions 1925 Skinner (opus 424-A), built for Chicago, Illinois, William Zeuch residence, relocated Lake Forest, Illinois, Theodore G. Robinson residence), replaced by Allen c. 1967, broken up for parts—59/14-16S; 83/3-4I


Temple Organ Company (Burlington, Iowa):  Lake Zurich, Illinois, Saint Peter United Church of Christ, 1971 rebuild of 1950 Austin (opus 2159) built for Chicago, Illinois, Holy Family Catholic Church, rebuild of 1922 Tellers-Kent, rebuild of 1892 Frank Roosevelt (opus 498), rebuild of 1870 Louis Mitchell, also 1865 Pilcher & Chant (opus 66), from Chicago, Illinois, Reed’s Temple of Music, which possibly replaced unknown, lower gallery 1905 Colburn & Taylor, rebuilt into Austin organ (opus 2168), rebuilt Berghaus; 1879 Steinmeyer organ—13/6-8, 14-16, 18SPI (Mitchell/Roosevelt/Austin, Coburn & Taylor); 14/14 (unknown/Pilcher/Mitchell); 15/9 (Mitchell), 18-25, 38SP; 17/24 (Mitchell/Roosevelt); 18/6 (Mitchell); 22/12-19 (Mitchell); 25/21 (Mitchell); 26/19 (Mitchell); 35/4-6 (Pilcher, Mitchell); 38/8S (Pilcher), 14-15 (Mitchell); 40/8; 41/13-14 (Mitchell); 42/19S, 31 (Pilcher); 42/31, 43/30, 32 (Mitchell); 49/2-3S (Steinmeyer); 71/8-9I (Mitchell/Steinmeyer/Austin); 72/9



Thompson-Allen:  Evanston, Illinois, Saint Luke Episcopal Church, restoration of 1922 Skinner (opus 327), incorporating 1910 Casavant (opus 386) in chapel, replaced 1906 Colburn & Taylor, replaced 1894 Hook & Hastings (opus 1605), replaced unknown,altered 1959 Æolian-Skinner (opus 327-A), chapel organ replaced 1959 M. P. Möller (opus 9244), later alterations by Tellers, Kurt Roderer, also work by Frank J. Sauter & Sons, Inc., chapel organ sold 1986 to Rosemont, Illinois, Our Lady of Hope Catholic Church, also c. 1986 Karl Wilhelm positiv—15/26-32 SI (insert) (Skinner/Casavant/Möller); 28/9 (Skinner); 65/6-12, 14SI (Skinner/Casavant/Möller); 75/12 (Skinner)



Toledo Pipe Organ Company:  Chicago, Illinois, Jehovah Lutheran Church, rebuild of Æolian organ built for Bay City, Michigan, residence, 1965 Casavant console, rebuilt 1976 Berghaus—28/37


Toledo Pipe Organ Company:  Valparaiso, Indiana, First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), (also known as Church of Christ, Christian Tabernacle), 1956 rebuild of 1895 Johnson & Son (opus 819), building demolished 1990, organ sold to Nashville, Tennessee, Assumption Catholic Church, by Milnar Organ Company —6/4; 68/11-17SPI (Johnson & Son)



Topp, James:  Evanston, Illinois, First Congregational Church, repairs to fire-damaged 1886 Hilborne Roosevelt (opus 299), which replaced 1873 Steere & Turner (opus 33), burned, (relocated to Evanston, Illinois, Garrett Theological Seminary, Chapel, rebuilt 1952 Reuter (opus 1020), installed by Frank C. Wichlac & Son, replaced 1993 Casavant), replaced 1927 Skinner (opus 616)—69/7, 13-22SPI (Roosevelt/Reuter/Skinner); 71/22 (Skinner)